"It is absolutely unacceptable that in 2023 there will be ostentatious murders in Bulgaria. Nor is it acceptable for foreign security services to discover Bulgarians who are Russian spies in the United Kingdom, while we learn once again from the media."..
Alexey Petrov a fost găsit împușcat mortal în cartierul Dragalevți din Sofia. Informația a fost confirmată pentru BNR de surse din cadrul Ministerului de Interne. La fața locului se afla și o femeie, care a fost și ea împușcată. Aceasta a fost..
Alexey Petrov was found shot dead in Sofia's Dragalevtsi district. This was confirmed to BNR by sources from the Ministry of the Interior. There was also a woman at the scene who was also shot at. She was taken to hospital in serious condition. According..
El conocido empresario búlgaro Alexey Petrov ha sido encontrado fusilado en el barrio capitalino Dragalevtsi. Es lo que han confirmado para Radio Nacional fuentes del Ministerio del Interior. En el lugar se encontraba asimismo una mujer que también ha..