Une mobilisation civile dont les participants revendiquent la destitution de la maire de Sofia Yordanka Fandakova a eu lieu devant la Municipalité de la capitale, a annoncé le reporter de la RNB Dobromir Videv. Le mécontentement civil est provoqué par..
Das Unternehmen „Eurohold“ hat auch die letzte Hürde vor dem Kauf der bulgarischen Aktien von „CEZ Electro Bulgaria“ genommen. Die Aufsichtsbehörde für Energie- und Wasserregulierung genehmigte den Kauf von 67 Prozent der Aktien der..
Eurohold has overcome the latest regulatory requirement to acquire the Bulgarian assets of CEZ Electro Bulgaria. The Energy and Water Regulatory Commission has authorized a deal for acquiring 67% of the electricity distribution..
The company for electricity supply and distribution CEZ has revealed the largest electricity theft in its history. Due to registered anomalies of electricity consumption in the area of the village of Herakovo, Sofia region, teams of the power supply..
La Compañía Eléctrica Búlgara, CEZ, acaba de descubrir el robo más grande de energía eléctrica en su historia, informa la entidad. Al establecer algunas anomalías en el consumo de electricidad en la región del pueblo de Jerákovo, cerca de Sofía, equipos de..
Ministrja e energjetikës Temenuzhka Petkova deklaroi se marrëveshja për shitjen e biznesit të kompanisë energjetike CEZ në Bullgari nuk do të rrezikojë sigurinë energjetike të Bullgarisë. “Kjo është një marrëveshje që do të realizohet sipas..
Bulgaria’s energy security will not be put at risk during the deal for the acquisition of the Bulgarian assets of CEZ by Eurohold company, this country’s Minister of Energy Temenuzhka Petkova has assured. This is a deal which is fulfilled in line with..
“Eurohold Bullgaria” do ta blejë Operatorin e shpërndarjes së energjisë elektrike në Bullgari të kompanisë çeke CEZ. “Euohold” është gati të paguajë për aktivet e CEZ-it 335 mln. euro. Deri tani “Eurohold Bullgaria” punonte vetëm në fushën e..
The Czech CEZ power supply company is beginning negotiations for the sale of its Bulgarian assets with the company ranked second – India Power. CEZ told the Bulgarian National Radio that the negotiations with the Bulgarian company Inercom are..
The Commission for Protection of Competition banned the sale of the Bulgarian assets of CEZ energy company to Inercom Bulgaria. According to the analysis of the Commission for Protection of Competition, there is a risk that the deal may lead to the..