Ukraine launched more than 10 drones overnight on the Crimean Peninsula, including three on the port of Sevastopol, a Russian-installed official said early on Sunday, adding that air defence systems repelled all the attacks on Sevastopol, Reuters reports. Baza, a Telegram channel with links to Russia's law enforcement agencies, reported earlier on Sunday that according to the channel's preliminary information, there were no casualties in what it said was a series of attacks on Crimea. According to Ukrainian monitoring of Telegram channels, explosions took place in Sevastopol and Saki - where Russia has an air base - as well as a few other places. Reuters says it was not able to independently verify the reports. Strikes on Russian-held targets have intensified in the past two weeks, especially in Crimea. Ukraine, without confirming any role in those attacks, says destroying infrastructure is preparation for its planned ground assault, Reuters writes further.
At the same time, Yevgeny Prigozhin, leader of the Russian mercenary army Wagner stated that around 95% of the territory of Bachmut was under Russian control but that his forces would withdraw from Bachmut on 10 May due to lack of ammunition.
Romania, which neighbours on Ukraine, is changing the rules for helping Ukrainian refugees. According to Radio Romania, as of 1 May, the government will render refugees assistance unconditionally in the space of one month; during the three months after that they will have to find a job. As of the fifth month of their stay they will only be able to avail themselves of the support of the Romanian state if they have found a job.
The first Bulgarian avatar is a woman named Ahinora. Her name means "powerful ruler" and according to the legend, this was the name of the wife of the founder of the Bulgarian state, Asparuh. Ahinora is an influencer who creates at least two posts a..
The third group of 7 people from the 33rd Bulgarian Antarctic Expedition departed from Sofia Airport on January 11. In Rome, they will be joined by Romanian geologist Daniela Paskal, and in Punta Arenas (Chile) they will be joined by journalists..
The Chairperson of the Consumer Protection Commission (CPC), Maria Filipova, announced that price increases by mobile operators are considered an unfair practice and issued an order requiring them to immediately cease applying unilateral changes..
Bulgaria has made significant progress in meeting the criteria for inclusion in the U.S. Visa Waiver Program, caretaker Minister of Foreign..
I have not committed any crime, this is a political attack, the co-chairman of "We Continue the Change" (PP), Kiril Petkov, said before..
Caretaker Minister of Defense Atanas Zapryanov took part in the 25th meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group at the level of Ministers of Defence..
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