Podcast en español

author: Veneta Nikolova

Celebrating the 150th anniversary of Levski's death

Vasil Levski is the patron of the oldest Bulgarian school in Paris

The Vasil Levski Sunday School in Paris was founded in 2006 and is the oldest of the 5 Bulgarian schools in the French capital. The moment children first cross its threshold, they learn who the Bulgarian Apostle of Freedom is, because his portrait..

07.12.23 15:18 |
Commémoration du 150e anniversaire de la mort de Vassil Levski

La plus ancienne école bulgare à Paris porte le nom de Vassil Levski

Fondée en 2006, l’École bulgare de Paris "Vassil Levski" est le plus ancien des 5 établissements bulgares situés dans la capitale française. Une fois avoir franchi le seuil de l’école, les enfants savent déjà qui était l’Apôtre de la liberté bulgare..

07.12.23 14:37 |
Isabella Marchetta

Museum in Italian city of Campobasso keeps unique historical finds related to Bulgaria

"Bulgarians have a strong desire for national self-determination and a strong desire to go back in time to learn about their origins and to rebuild their identity, which was apparently forcibly taken from them during the long years..

27.11.23 14:46 |
La fortaleza

Historia, vino y naturaleza: Vidin, un destino atractivo para viajar en crucero

"Descubran la fortaleza "Baba Vida", el castillo medieval más grande que se conserva en Bulgaria. O visiten una casa local para descubrir cómo se elaboran el tradicional yogur búlgaro y la famosa la banitsa - un pastel que podrán preparar ustedes..

24.11.23 11:05 |
 „Baba Vida” Kalesi

Vidin’de tarih, doğa ve şarap bir arada

Son dönemde liman kenti Vidin’de farklı devletlerin bandırası altında yüzen ve birbirinden modern ve lüks olan gemilerin sayısı artmaktadır . Ekim ayının sonu itibari ile kruise turisti taşıyan 278 gemi Vidin’e demir attı. Liman..

24.11.23 04:30 |

The mouth of the Kamchia River holds 7,000 years of secrets

Exploration of the water between Cape Kilik and Ilanjik Point, north of the mouth of the Kamchia River, has revealed some unique discoveries. Once, ancient ships were sheltered in these secluded coves from the tempestuous waters of the Black Sea. It..

22.11.23 14:26 |
Baba Vida Fortress

History, wine and nature - Vidin as an attractive destination for cruise trips

“ Discover Baba Vida Fortress, the largest preserved medieval castle in Bulgaria. Alternatively, visit a local home for a demonstration of making traditional Bulgarian yogurt and banitsa pastry. " This is how one the leading..

20.11.23 14:35 |
Monasterio de la Santísima Trinidad de Etropole

Una nueva propuesta turística en Etropole para los amantes de la recreación activa

Etropole es una pequeña ciudad provincial - verde, afable y tranquila, recostada en la vertiente norte de los montes Balcanes ( Stara Planina ), a los pies del pico Baba, de 1787 m de altura. En los últimos años, la zona se ha consolidado como un..

18.11.23 10:15 |

Hafta sonu turu ile Sofya’ya gelen yabancıların sayısı artıyor

Başkent Büyükşehir Belediyesi, Sofya’yı ziyaret eden yabancı turistlerin sayısında Covid krizi öncesine göre yüzde 19 oranında artış olduğunu açıkladı. Yabancıların başkente duydukları ilginin gitgide artmakta olduğuna ikna olmak için..

16.11.23 06:00 |

Fără așteptări, dar satisfăcute - Sofia înregistrează o creștere a numărului de turiști de weekend

Numărul turiștilor străini în Sofia a crescut cu 19% față de perioada de dinaintea crizei Covid, a anunțat municipalitatea din Sofia. Dar nu avem nevoie de statistici pentru a ne convinge de interesul tot mai mare al străinilor pentru capitala bulgară -..

14.11.23 13:30 |