All children – victims of violence should be interrogated in special rooms and not in police and court premises. The Blue Room is a special place, separated by Venetian glass. The interior in one part of the room is suitable for a child and the..
“Anything with its time,” said former leader of the Movement for Rights and Freedoms Liutvi Mestan due to the expectations for the establishment of a new political project. He was ousted from all positions taken before Christmas after accusations..
“Todo a su tiempo” fue la respuesta del ex líder del Movimiento por Derechos y Libertades, Liutvi Mestán, en relación con las expectativas sobre la creación de un nuevo sujeto político. Mestán quedó destituido de todos los puestos y cargos que..
The European Commission was assured by Germany, Denmark and Sweden that the extraordinary measures for border control of those countries would be reduced to their minimum, it became clear on January 6 after the meeting between EU Commissioner for..
Ha pasado un año duro para Bulgaria que no dejó de depararnos sorpresas hasta su propio final: refugiados, elecciones, referéndum, protestas. ¿Cómo será el año político 2016? Formularán sus pronósticos dos politólogos .el doctor Boris Popivanov,..
We had a difficult 2015 in terms of politics, but what shall we expect from 2016? Two political analysts: Dr. Boris Ivanov, a lecturer at Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski and Georgi Harizanov from the Institute for Rightist Policy, try on a..
2015 has been a difficult year for Bulgaria and for the entire world. It has been marked by a series of military conflicts, refugee crises, terrorist attacks, elections, a referendum and various street protests. The crisis in the Middle..
Pour le ministre des Affaires étrangères Daniel Mitov, l’année 2016 sera une année de grandes résolution et de prises de décisions, malgré une conjoncture internationale complexe suite au conflit en Ukraine, la crise au Moyen Orient et les défis..
Big promises for judicial reforms can turn into a double-edged sword. Changes in the constitution are now a fact but they would not magically solve the crisis in the sphere of justice. Even if changes were braver they just set the direction for..
The judicial reform was a top priority of the politicians in power from the Reformist bloc in the Borissov 2 government. Also, Brussels still implements a mechanism for monitoring Bulgaria and Romania under the chapter "Justice and Home..
El parque Jardines de Boris ( Borisova Gradina ), en el corazón de Sofía, se convertirá una vez más en el escenario del tradicional festival de Pernik..
Este 4 de enero se cumplen 147 años de la liberación de la ciudad de Sofía del dominio otomano (1878), para convertirse más tarde en la capital de..
El flamenco rosado era considerado una especie exótica en Bulgaria, pero desde hace unos años hay colonias enteras que eligen los lagos cerca de Burgás..