September 2 marked the one-year anniversary of the devastating floods that struck the Karlovo villages of Bogdan, Karavelovo and Slatina. Many of the people affected are still unable to return to their homes, which are damp..
The Regional History Museum-Plovdiv embarks on a tour in Bulgaria with the exhibition “Preserved Memory of the Unification of 1885 in Bulgarian Museums, Archives, Libraries and Private Collections”. Yambol is the first stop of the exhibition dedicated..
The town of Vidin (Northwestern Bulgaria) hosts the Blue Danube International Folklore Festival for the fourth consecutive year. The event takes place in the Danube Park and continues until Sunday, September 3. The festival‘s mission is to..
One year ago, on September 2, the organic farm in the village of Rozino, which specializes in the production of ice cream from its own dairy products, suffered huge damage after a heavy rainfall that literally flooded houses and wiped away buildings..
Oamenii din orașele situate de-a lungul Dunării sunt obișnuiți vara să întâmpine participanții la una dintre cele mai vechi drumeții turistice de canotaj din lume. Este vorba despre Tour International Danubien / International Tourist Regatta..
People from the towns along the River Danube have grown accustomed to seeing the participants in one of the world’s oldest rowing tourist tours - Tour International Danubien - in summer. The international tourist regatta along the Danube has..
Once upon a time, the best tobacco in Bulgaria was said to have been produced in the Eastern Rhodopes, in the vicinity of the town of Ardino. This tobacco was of the most aromatic oriental variety and was mainly used for export. It was much sought..
Astăzi, în cadrul unei sesiuni extraordinare a parlamentului, deputații vor discuta în primă lectură amendamentele la Codul Penal (CC) și la Legea privind protecția împotriva violenței domestice (LPDV). Reamintim că joia trecută, membrii comisiei juridice..
At an extraordinary sitting today, the members of parliament will discuss, at first reading, amendments to the Criminal Code and the Protection Against Domestic Violence Act. Last Thursday, the members of the National Assembly’s Legal Affairs..
Every year during the summer holidays, children from Bulgarian families living abroad come back to this country. Many of them do not speak Bulgarian and have difficulty understanding the language. Many of the families are multicultural and in them..
Tras el éxito de la primera iniciativa de este tipo en el país, las organizaciones públicas han anunciado una segunda jornada de boicot a las cadenas de..
La educación debe lograr que los niños tengan buenos conocimientos y que sean buenas persoas al mismo tiempo, ha afirmado el ministro de Educación, Krasimir..
El jueves las temperaturas mínimas estarán entre -14 ° C y -8 °C. En Sofía la temperatura rondará los -12 ºC. El día estará soleado pero con heladas. Los..