Bulgaria was among the first countries to send emergency aid to Southern Turkiye which was hit by a devastating earthquake on February 6. When it comes to such a big tragedy, no one remains indifferent to the suffering of thousands of people in..
"Geniul, este acel ingredient care face ca sucul de struguri să fermenteze viguros și să devină vin. În fiecare picătură de suc se află milioane de fermenți care bolborosesc, fierb, frământă, ies la suprafață pentru a se manifesta, dar observă, fiule,..
"Genius, it is that ingredient that makes the grape juice to vigorously ferment and become wine. In every drop of juice there are millions of ferments that are bubbling, boiling, fizzing, coming to the surface to manifest themselves,..
The expenses of Bulgarian households have risen dramatically. For a year, the sum needed for a family of three to cover the cost of living has increased by about BGN 366 (185 euros) and the necessary net monthly income reaches BGN..
“The moment you become very good at something, the high incomes will inevitably come. The world needs all kinds of people who can do a variety of things," a Bulgarian career development specialist says. However, it is important..
"În momentul în care devii foarte bun la ceva, veniturile vor veni inevitabil. Lumea are nevoie de tot felul de oameni care să facă tot felul de lucruri" - recomandă unul dintre specialiștii în dezvoltarea carierei din Bulgaria. Dar este vorba și despre..
The first organization of Czechs and Slovaks in Bulgaria has 130 years of history. According to historical records, back in the 80s of the XIX century, there were already about 100 Czechs in Sofia. At that time they did not have their..
După doi ani de pandemie, am întâmpinat anul 2022 cu așteptări de normalizare a vieții, de creștere a veniturilor și de... calm. Cu toate acestea, speranțele noastre nu s-au împlinit. În februarie, lumea s-a confruntat cu o nouă bătălie - de data aceasta..
After two years of pandemic, we welcomed 2022 with the hope for life to return to normal, incomes to rise and society to be back on track. Until, in February, the world faced another crisis - only this time on the war front. It dragged down..
Celebrating Christmas is one of the most important and most awaited days of the year. After the hard work of harvesting in the autumn and the preparation for the cold winter, the short and dark days of December seem to brighten with the festive..
Por tercer año consecutivo crece el número de los médicos jóvenes que desean quedarse en Bulgaria después del término de sus estudios. Es lo que muestran..
En Plovdiv se discuten los problemas de la industria alimentaria, de acuerdo con los requisitos más modernos de las normativas búlgaras y europeas. El..
El sábado seguirá haciendo frío. Prevalecerá el tiempo soleado con aumentos temporales de nubosidad media y alta. Antes del mediodía habrá niebla en algunos..