The day Bulgaria declared its independence, September 22, with the manifesto of the Bulgarian Prince Ferdinand, put an end to the last vassal ties with the Ottoman Empire. The Principality of Bulgaria became an independent kingdom, headed by the already..
"The Bulgarian issue" - so the activists for the unification of Bulgaria after 1878 used to refer to their most important task. After its liberation from Ottoman rule, the country reappeared on world maps, but in a fragmented form. This happened with the..
The Panagyurishte gold treasure, found by accident buried in the ground more than 70 years ago, vividly showcases Panagyurishte itself but also the whole of Bulgaria. The treasure was crafted in the 4 th or the beginning of the 3 rd century..
Without any designated meetings of any members of the joint historical Bulgaria-North Macedonia commission, without resuming the discussion, all of a sudden it transpired that some kind of accord had once more been reached on the sensitive..
The scenic mountain town of Panagyurishte is famous for its rich history and remarkable cultural and historical heritage. Besides the great Renaissance enlighteners and the heroic fighters of the 1876 April Uprising for the liberation of Bulgaria..
Summer is in full swing and that is the time when many people travel and rediscover life in smaller Bulgarian towns and villages. Gatherings dedicated to traditions, customs, local dishes or simply family gatherings attract guests from the country..
Hardly anyone doubts that among the diverse and rich nature of Bulgaria one can find these aromatic mushrooms that are worth a fortune on world markets. Truffles have long been known in Europe as a sophisticated and special addition to dishes with..
It would be difficult to find a person in Bulgaria who has no knowledge of basic herbs and has not applied a herbal treatment at least once in their lives. Bulgaria has an extremely rich and diverse nature so a huge variety of medicinal..
Fresh cherries can be picked in May and by early July the cherry-picking campaign is almost over. The fruit is rich in vitamins and other nutrients that boost the immune system. Cherries help inhibit oxidative stress and decrease inflammation by..
Nature this year has been kinder to beekeepers, providing them with warm rainy days in April, which created favourable conditions for the flowering of rapeseed, one of the preferred honey crops for insects. The warm days in May favoured the flowering of..
El sábado seguirá haciendo frío. Prevalecerá el tiempo soleado con aumentos temporales de nubosidad media y alta. Antes del mediodía habrá niebla en algunos..
El Día de los Muertos es una jornada importante para muchos cristianos ya que rendimos homenaje a nuestros familiares y amigos que ya no están entre..
"Tracios, vino y cultura". Este es el tema de un seminario en el complejo arqueológico "El Valle de los Reyes Tracios", cerca de Kazanlak, que reunirá..