Les musiciens du groupe DEEP ZONE Project sortent un nouveau single qui fait apparaître des motifs du folklore bulgare. La chanson a pour titre " Quelque chose de sp é cial ", avec deux solistes, Bisséra et Lydia. Lorsque Dian Savov, connu encore..
A hot summer awaits Stefan Valdobrev and The Usual Suspects. On June 27, they are to start their national music tour from the town of Ruse. During the national tour, they are to present their new album "Udivitelni Vaprositelni." It contains 11 pieces..
A young girl known from the last season of "The Voice of Bulgaria" - Dani Ilieva - presents her new song entitled "Shte Tseluna li/Will I kiss". In 2022, when she was only 16, Dani became the youngest performer to win the "Burgas and the Sea" song..
The children's choirs of the public radios of Bulgaria and Romania will have a joint concert for the first time in Bucharest on February 29. The event is part of the international cooperation program between the two media and is dedicated to high..
Composer of some of the most tender melodies in modern Bulgarian pop music, Momchil Kolev, celebrates his birthday today. We owe him a number of hits from the end of the 20th century to the present day performed by artists such as Irina Florin,..
Musician Iskren Petsov turns 60 today . He is mostly known as a singer, but he has written the music, lyrics and arrangements of more than 70 songs. The number of concerts and tours he has participated in is countless. Over 1500 are just his stage..
The 4ETNO Band, part of the music association 4ETRI from Ruse have presented their new single "Mari, Mariyko". The eclectic interpretation of the original folk song, "Mari, Mariyko" attracts the attention of listeners with its dynamic sound,..
After becoming a sensation in less than three years of existence, the Molec Duo are now presenting their debut album. To launch it, on June 29 they kick off their "Album" tour, as they have minimalistically titled their first collection of..
"Music in our country is in its Renaissance" - say the band 4ethno /to be prronounced CHETNO/ and the vocal trio Idepeya, after releasing their debut single New Step - an innovative combination of musical styles, folk motifs among them, performed by..
Esta tarde, 31 de enero, dos artistas jóvenes y muy prometedores se presentarán juntos una vez más en uno de los famosos clubes capitalinos que ofrece su escenario a músicos incipientes. Son Annie V y Nikola Simeonov. Ani y..
Esta tarde frente al Teatro Nacional Iván Vazov se organiza una protesta contra el estreno del espectáculo teatral Las Armas y el hombre de Burnard..
Nurgul Salimova se ha agenciado primera victoria en el torneo de ajedrez de las series Grand Prix en Sykment, en Kazajstán. En un partido de la octava..
Partido Socialista Búlgaro y Hay tal Nación reclamarán del Tribunal Constitucional que restaure las facultades del presidente en conformidad con la..