Bir asırdan fazla zamandır, o orada. Berrak baraj sularının ortasında tek başına duruyor. Kışın, rüzgarlar ve karlı fırtınalar üzerinden geçiyor, temellerini ise buzlar kaplıyor. Yazın ise, kavurucu güneş acımasızca yüzyıllık duvarlarını, delik deşik..
As much as we hate to admit it, it is a fact! We, Bulgarians, do not know how to present a good face to the world. Then we should not be surprised that at best foreigners associate this country with the Black Sea, skiing in Borovets,..
Está allí desde hace ya más de un siglo, solitaria a orillas de las aguas de la represa. En invierno la azotan vientos y nevascas, y el hielo cimienta sus pies. En verano el sol abrasante arde sobre sus paredes seculares, sobre tejado caído y sus..
Bulgarians may grumble about their problems and about being broke but when holidays come along nothing can stop them from traveling and having fun. Statistics show that Bulgarians made the most of the holidays for May 1 and St. George’s Day, May 6...
Gabrovo ya tiene una nueva atracción turística. No hace mucho en la capital búlgara del humor y la sátira abrió puertas un museo interactivo de la industria en el marco de un proyecto relacionado con el patrimonio cultural e histórico de la ciudad y el..
It has been there more than 100 years, its lonely remains rising above the clear waters of the dam. In winter, the wind and the blizzards lash out at the building, ice freezing its foundations. In summer, the blazing sun..
Over one million tourists have visited the town of Veliko Tarnovo in 2013, which places Bulgaria’s former capital first in the ranking of most visited Bulgarian towns. Besides, unlike many other Bulgarian tourist centers which fade away in the..
Veliko Tırnovo şehrini geçen yıl içinde ziyaret edenlerin sayısı bir milyonun üzerinde olmuştur. Bu sayı, payitahtı en çok ziyaret edilen şehirlerin başına getiriyor. Ayrıca kış mevsiminde yaşamın durduğu çoğu turizm merkezlerimizden farklı olarak..
Gabrovo in central Bulgaria has got a brand new tourist attraction. Recently, the City of the Humor and Satire saw the opening of an interactive museum of industry in a project related to cultural heritage and tourism. The virtual museum..
How far can childhood memories, love of nature, of authentic rural cooking and of the small joys of life take us? The answer: to the central Rhodopes and more specifically the small resort town of Chepelare. One woman from Poland turned everything..
L’École bulgare "Ivan Vazov" à Paris lance la deuxième édition du prestigieux concours littéraire international " La Plume Magique ". Ce défi s’adresse..
Par tradition, le premier dimanche de mars arrive à Chiroka laka avec le rassemblement des koukeri , qui chassent l'hiver et annoncent l'arrivée du..
7 semaines avant Pâques, les chrétiens orthodoxes célèbrent le Dimanche du Pardon. Selon la coutume, la famille se réunit au grand complet..