Podcast en français

author: Veneta Nikolova

El chef Sharankov elige los Ródopes antes que Londres y crea un nuevo concepto de la comida búlgara y del amor por la patria

Desde las ruidosas cocinas de los restaurantes londinenses de estrellas Michelin, hasta un pequeño pueblo, cobijado en los adentros de los montes Ródope… El camino de Petko Sharankov es un camino lleno de giros y de sorpresas. Tras años en Londres,..

05.12.24 12:25 |
Mariana Dimova y sus survachki

Vino caliente, survachki y una noria: el espíritu navideño está en Sofía

La decoración festiva, la música, los carruseles y los puestos rebosantes de golosinas y souvenirs hechos a mano bastan para hacernos olvidar, aunque solo sea por un instante, las crisis, las guerras y el caos que nos rodean, y nos sumergen en una..

04.12.24 07:30 |
Mariana Dimova and her survachkas.

Mulled wine, survachkas and Ferris wheel - the spirit of Christmas in Sofia

Who said Bulgarians were grumpy pessimists? Take a stroll through Sofia's Christmas bazaars and meet the cheerful crowd. The festive decorations, music, merry-go-rounds and stalls overflowing with treats and handmade souvenirs can make the gloomiest..

03.12.24 14:19 |

Momchilovtsi or Musiliyan - why do the Chinese love the picturesque Rhodope village

In 2009, a state-owned company in Shanghai launched a yogurt on the market under the brand name "Musiliyan, as the village of Momchilovtsi is called in China. The еmergence of this product was accompanied by a large-scale advertising campaign, and..

02.12.24 10:47 |

The secrets of white halva and how a dessert preserves old Bulgarian customs

Halva, this sweet temptation with an oriental twist, is a welcome delicacy on the Bulgarian table, especially on holidays. Judging by the descriptions of Western travellers, halva was a common dessert in Bulgarian lands as early as the 16th century. The..

27.11.24 15:25 |

Euronews: Bulgaria es un destino ideal para practicar el turismo durante todo el año con sus playas de oro y cumbres nevadas

Bulgaria, situada en el centro de antiguas civilizaciones, ofrece impresionantes curiosidades históricas, rodeadas de las mejores costas del mar Negro y centros de montaña de clase mundial. Con sus 111 000 kilómetros cuadrados compactos el país..

25.11.24 22:05 |
Tsarevets Fortress in Veliko Tarnovo

Euronews: Bulgaria is an ideal destination for year-round tourism with its golden beaches and snow-capped peaks

A country at the centre of ancient civilisations, whose historic sites sit amongst world-ranked Black Sea coastlines and snow-capped World Cup ski resorts, Bulgaria packs a lot of tourism attractions into its compact 111,000 square kilometres.  And it's..

22.11.24 12:00 |

Yantra nehri hikayeler anlatıyor: muhteşem kayalar ve yeşil tüneller arasında kano ile gezi

Yantra nehri Koca Balkan’da deniz seviyesinden 1220 mt yükseklikte doğar ve Gabrovo ile Veliko Tırnovo şehirlerinden geçerek, pitoresk vadiler ve geçitlerden kıvrılarak kuzeye akar. Tuna nehrine dökülmeden önce, Belyanovo ve Novgrad köylerinin bulunduğu..

21.11.24 06:00 |

El río Yantra cuenta historias: piragüismo entre maravillas rocosas y túneles verdes

El río Yantra nace en las montañas de la cordillera de los Balcanes (Stara Planina), a 1 220 metros sobre el nivel del mar, y desciende hacia el norte, serpenteando por pintorescos valles y desfiladeros, atravesando las ciudades de Gabrovo y..

19.11.24 13:59 |
View of Yantra River

Bulgaria's Yantra River tells stories: kayaking among rock wonders and green tunnels

The Yantra River rises in the Balkan Mountains at 1,220 metres above sea level and descends northwards, meandering through picturesque valleys and gorges in central northern Bulgaria, crossing the towns of Gabrovo and Veliko Tarnovo. Shortly before it..

19.11.24 13:55 |