Yüzyıllar önce Roma İmparatorluğunda vatandaşların belirli bir konuda görüşlerini belirtmeleri için çağırılmasına referandum denirdi, çünkü “referre” eylemi söylemeye davet etmek anlamına geliyor. Günümüzde referandum doğrudan demokrasinin bir aracı olup..
The word referendum’s origin comes from the ancient Roman Empire – the referre verb was used whenever the Romans were summoned to speak up on some matter of importance. Nowadays referendums are a direct democracy tool, giving an opportunity to..
On Thursday Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov took part in a summit in London, where leaders of 40 countries discussed fighting corruption. PR specialists of the event spread the news that the forum was unprecedented and it involved countries that..
A video appeared in YouTube during the week that raised a public outcry. The video showed tough-looking young Bulgarians, not in uniform, yelling at three Afghan nationals prostrate on the ground in broken English: Go back to Turkey, now!, after..
The first reports about the Panama Papers in Bulgaria revealed that some 150 Bulgarian individuals and 50 local companies are registered in offshore zones in the Bahamas, Seychelles, Panama, the British Virgin Islands and others. This is shown by data of..
Après les premières révélations des „Panama papers“, nous avons appris que l’évasion fiscale concernait quelque 150 personnalités bulgares et au moins 50 firmes exerçant en Bulgarie. Ces compagnies offshore sont enregistrées dans différents paradis..
Bundan 30 yıl önce 29 Mart’ta Roma Ceza Mahkemesi, 13 Mayıs 1981 yılında Türk terörist Ali Ağca tarafından Papa II. John Paul suikastında yer almakla suçlanan Bulgar Sergey Antonov’un beraatına karar verdi. Papa II. John Paul 13 Mayıs 1981’de Roma’da..
On 29 March 1986 Rome’s criminal court acquitted Sergei Antonov, blamed by Turkish terrorist Ali Ağca for the instigation and organization of the assault, attempted by him on 13 May 1981 against Pope John Paul II in the St. Peter’s Square, Rome...
The Bulgarian MPs changed their minds and closed the notorious ad-hock committee of inquiry on facts and circumstances related to alleged interference of Turkey and Russia into Bulgaria’s internal affairs. The committee was established on February 19..
Bargaining closed on Friday, four days ago. Brussels and Ankara agreed to give green light to trading in migrants. Bulgaria being a EU member country is part of the deal. Observers have termed this bargaining cynical, and they might not be far..
Sommes-nous en mesure d’influencer les dynamiques sociales et de bâtir une société plus épanouie, plus confiante et empreinte d’optimisme, où chacun..
Ce 8 mars à partir de 19 h, les invités du Club militaire de Sofia pourront profiter de l’élégance vénitienne lors d’un vrai carnaval de Venise, une..
63% des Bulgares fêtent la Journée internationale de la femme ce 8 mars. 8 femmes sur 10 tiennent à cette fête. 65% des femmes bulgares se sentent spéciales..