Healing humans and saving the planet may well be a dream come true – especially when you are 19 and there is no limit to your hopes and aspirations. “Biology is fascinating because it enables us to peek inside a living cell, to see what goes..
"Magia Italiana", un festival international des arts organisé par le centre d’art "Karnolsky", auquel prennent part des enfants et adolescents de 15 pays, se tient jusqu’au 7 juillet au parc d’attractions "Mirabilandia". Ce festival a été inauguré il..
Del 2 al 7 de julio el Centro de Artes Karnolski organiza el festival internacional de las artes Magia Italiana , que se desarrollará en el centro de atracciones mundialmente conocido de Mirabilandia, con la participación de niños y adolescentes de 15..
Vieni, vieni a Mirabilandia – we can hear these words from the angelic voices as "horror trains" toss "extremists" headlong into the sky, and others enjoying the world from a 25-meter tower momentarily sink to the hard ground... The..
La destrucción del muro de la presa de Nova Kajovka en Ucrania ha provocado una catástrofe ecológica cuyo volumen supera las fronteras del país y en distinto grado impactará a los países vecinos. De momento no hay datos de contaminación de las aguas del..
The Bulgarian school in Southampton, Great Britain, bears the name of the Bulgarian 19th century revolutionary Vasil Levski who dedicated himself to the liberation of his Motherland from the Ottoman oppression. On the occasion of marking the..
Desde tiempos remotos personas y animales convivían en un mundo común, cuyas huellas hoy se conservan en los monumentos más antiguos de la actividad artística del hombre. Al arte animalista está dedicada la más reciente muestra de la Galería..
Bulgaria’s post-liberation history continues to surprise us with personalities who have left a lasting trace in its annals. One of them is Hristo Berberov, born on October 27, 1875 in the city of Elena. His artistic talent..
Chiar dacă istoria noastră postliberală nu a numărat încă nici măcar două secole, ea continuă să ne surprindă cu personalități care și-au scris numele cu un scris inimitabil în analele sale. Unul dintre ei, Hristo Berberov, se întoarce la începuturile..
Daha antik çağlarda, insanlar ve hayvanlar ortak bir dünyada bir arada yaşıyorlardı ve bu dünyanın izleri, keşfedilen en eski sanatsal etkinlik anıtları tarafından bugün hala korunuyor. Kuşlar, yırtıcı hayvanlar ve diğer dünyevi yaratıklar, tarih..
Le 8 janvier nous fêtons "Babinden", la journée des sages-femmes, une des fêtes bulgares les plus aimées dont les racines s’enfoncent profondément..
Ce soir, le 8 janvier, à Sofia, à la galerie "Carré 500" qui fait partie de la Galerie nationale d’art, sera inaugurée une exposition de la collection..
Le métapneumovirus n’est pas quelque chose de nouveau et ne cause pas de maladies graves. Le nombre de malades en Chine est en train de baisser sans..