It is not a goal for Germany and Bavaria in particular to make Bulgaria and Macedonia a waiting room for coming migrants. What Germany aims at, is to try in all possible ways to reduce the number of incoming migrants and to make that abrupt and durable, because we are not in a state of receiving another 1 million refugees in the course of this year”, said in Sofia State Minister for the Interior, Building and Transport of Bavaria Joachim Herrmann. He also pointed out that if Greece continues to fail in its obligations for the efficient protection of its outer border, which unfortunately at present is a fact, it may have to step out of the Schengen area. Bulgarian Deputy-Premier and Minister of the Interior Rumiana Bachvarova said in her turn that Bulgaria is protecting its borders according to Schengen standards and that since 2012 it has technical responsibilities to be part of the Schengen space, but in the context of the situation in Europe it is more important to fulfill our engagements instead of insisting for additional rights, which Bulgarian citizens may obtain.