The Sofia-based Synthesis Gallery continues its tradition of showcasing old and little-known masters of photography in Bulgaria from the end of the 19 th and the beginning of the 20 th century. The first in-depth study of Georg Wolz's..
Art is the most universal language that allows us to understand, discover and recognize each nation. Through this language, for the second decade, the Bulgarian actress Jana Yakovleva has brought Bulgaria and Italy closer. The world..
"Mankind are so much the same, in all times and places, that history informs us of nothing new or strange in this particular. Its chief use is only to discover the constant and universal principles of human nature." This is..
"Je suis Gueorgui Ivanov, en terminale au Lycée de mathématiques de Sofia et je m’intéresse avant tout à la physique..." C’est de cette simple manière que se présente un des futurs étudiants à l’université Harvard en cette année qui selon les..
Dans quelle société souhaitons-nous vivre ? Qu’est-ce qui nous déplaît dans le monde autour de nous et comment le modifier pour le meilleur ? Telles sont quelques-unes des questions que se posent des jeunes gens dans le projet « Modèle Union..
Cette année Radio Bulgarie marque les 85 ans depuis son lancement. Depuis ce dimanche quand l’émetteur sur ondes courtes appelé Station de radio « Elsa » commence à émettre pour toute l’Europe, l’Afrique du Nord, l’Amérique du Nord et le Canada. Ces..
The National Academy of Arts, the oldest and the most prestigious art academy in Bulgaria celebrates 120 years since its foundation. A great number of public figures and intellectuals stood behind the idea of creating an art academy in the late..
Les 16 et 17 septembre au "Harrow Leisure Centre" à Londres aura lieu le premier Festival folklorique "l’Héritage des anciens". L’événement s’inscrit dans le cadre d’une initiative lancée il y a quelques années par Gueorgui Anadolov en vue de la..
At the height of summer in 1914, Tsar Ferdinand issued a decree, setting up a military history commission with the army general staff. The commission was responsible for creating a future complex, comprising a museum, archives and a library..
My father, young and strong, Manful and sincere, His buoyancy infectious, He brings us light and cheer That was a verse from a poem entitled “My father” written in 1974 by Petya Dubarova, an acclaimed poetess from Bourgas..
Există tendințe demografice pozitive în țară, dar nimeni nu vorbește despre ele, a declarat profesorul asociat Gheorghi Bardarov într-un interviu acordat..
O călătorie jubiliară, a 10-a, la bordul trenului cu ecartament îngust Rodopa, dedicată zilei naționale a Bulgariei, 3 martie, are loc astăzi pe traseul..
Departamentul de Stat al SUA a felicitat Bulgaria pe 3 martie.În numele Statelor Unite ale Americii, vă rog să acceptați cele mai calde felicitări cu..