author: Diana Tsankova

Margarit Tsanev - Margo

L'exposition ENVOL d'œuvres de Margarit Tsanev présentée à Paris

Plus de 40 œuvres rarement exposées de Margarit Tsanev - Margo (1944 - 1969) sont présentées à Paris. L’exposition "Envol" comprend des œuvres précoces de l’artiste, telles que des paysages à l’aquarelle réalisés lors de ses ateliers scolaires à..

26.03.25 14:00 |

Divna Shalich Lafchieva's "Homelands" and the message of how to be at home everywhere

They say that Divna Shalich Lafchieva was a woman with many homelands. Like the multifaceted nature of her soul, she was also a woman with many vocations. But the most important thing is that from the paths she has left her..

23.03.25 20:51 |
Margarit Tsanev - Margo

Margarit Tsanev-Margo: el vuelo de un espíritu indomable

Un joven artista búlgaro decidió, por voluntad propia, abandonar este mundo a mediados del siglo pasado para preservar en sí mismo la impermanencia, aunque fue vencido por el sistema en el plano puramente físico. Actualmente, en la galería del..

19.03.25 13:55 |
Monument to Monsignor Francesco Galloni in Lodetto di Rovato

Italian bishop Francesco Galloni dedicates his life to the poor and orphans of Bulgaria

A humble military chaplain made his first contact with Bulgaria in 1921, arriving with the mission of searching for Italian soldiers who had disappeared without a trace during World War I. However, he did not remain indifferent to the fate of this small..

15.03.25 08:35 |
Milyo Baltov (1871 - 1951)

Milyo Baltov, el autor del “ángel más vivo” de las iglesias búlgaras

Pintor de iconos y maestro - invariablemente mencionamos estas dos palabras cuando intentamos resucitar del olvido a un pintor que se inició en el arte durante los primeros años tras la Liberación (1878). Esas palabras describen también a Milyo Marinov..

01.02.25 20:20 |
Milyo Baltov (1871 - 1951)

Milyo Baltov paints 'the most vivid angel' in the churches of Bulgaria

Iconographer and educator - these two words naturally come to mind when we seek to bring back from the depths of history an artist who began his artistic journey in the first years after Bulgaria's liberation from Ottoman rule in 1878.  Milyo Marinov..

27.01.25 18:30 |

Master Marin's Carved House in the village of Malak Porovets

A self-taught woodcarver embarks on the path of his dreams. Year after year he recreates the images that fill his imagination, racing against the fastest adversary - time. But one day, as he sits down to contemplate his creation, his mortality betrays him...

18.01.25 08:30 |

Bulgarian children on Crete attend five Sunday schools

The Bulgarian Association of Crete has been working for nine years as a bridge between Bulgaria and the Bulgarian population on the southernmost Greek territory, sometimes replacing the most important partner - the state. One of the aims of the..

02.01.25 19:00 |

Los niños búlgaros de Creta cuentan con cinco escuelas dominicales

La "Asociación de Búlgaros en la isla de Creta" lleva ya nueve años trabajando árduamente por ser un puente entre Bulgaria y los compatriotas búlgaros en el territorio griego más meridional, sustituyendo a veces al elemento más necesario: el Estado...

02.01.25 12:42 |

2024 was a success for Bulgarian sport, but there's no reason to be overly enthusiastic

Beauty and strength are the two words that come to mind as we flip through the emotions and memories in this year's sports calendar.  In it, rhythmic gymnast Boryana Kaleyn twirls her ribbon in the air to convey a beautiful message: with inner strength..

31.12.24 07:05 |