author: Gergana Mancheva

El sector TI atrae a miles de búlgaros, pero el mercado selecciona a los profesionales más experimentados y motivados

Uno de los sectores punteros en cuanto a crecimiento salarial e interés de los demandantes de empleo en Bulgaria es el de la alta tecnología. Y, mientras que antes de la pandemia se contrataba a todo tipo de especialistas, sin tener en cuenta su..

06.07.24 10:42 |

IT sector attracts thousands but the market cherry picks the most motivated and experienced specialists

IT is one of the leading sectors in terms of salary increases and interest by job seekers in Bulgaria. Before the pandemic all kinds of experts were being hired regardless of their expertise or practical skills, but now preference is given to people..

05.07.24 13:44 |

Esther Willems - choreographer from The Hague who believes that the Bulgarian soul is encoded in the dances

The Hague, a city in the south of the Netherlands, the administrative centre and the place where the Queen lives and works...  Hardly anyone associates this city with Bulgarian folklore and traditions. But the fact is that the interest in..

04.07.24 20:12 |

There is just one church in Sofia named after Saints Peter and Paul

The fate of the Saints Peter and Paul church in Sofia has had its ups and downs, it has been through all kinds of uncertainties. It is perhaps one of the lesser known churches in the capital city, but it is also the only one named after the apostles –..

29.06.24 08:30 |

Bulgarians in Brazil cherish their link with the homeland as a precious heritage

Brazil is perhaps one of the least popular destinations for Bulgarians today. Although the standard of living in Brazil is not very high, it is usually preferred by people who are highly qualified. Many are university professors, music teachers, artists,..

25.06.24 14:41 |

Midsummer herbs and water have magical powers

Early in the morning, young men and women gather in the meadows to play with the sun. "It is believed that the sun dances and shimmers on Enyovden at sunrise, because it is the longest solstice of the year". This is the most important thing to know about..

24.06.24 07:00 |

Bulgarian folk songs cannot be translated but the world finds them magical

Though she has been living abroad with her family for 20 years, Bulgarian folklore has been with her always. She is the author of dozens of texts which she has turned into song, together with her husband kaval player Dimitar Karamitev from Stara..

18.06.24 08:10 |

Bulgaria has traditions in higher education in French

With a desire to open up to the world after the long years of isolation in the former socialist camp, Bulgaria and Romania joined the International Organization of La Francophonie in 1994. One of the main values of the Francophone..

18.06.24 06:30 |

El Museo Arqueológico Nacional participa en las Jornadas Europeas de Arqueología: vean cómo

La iniciativa Días Europeos de la Arqueología 2024, que se celebra en varios países del continente, ofrece una visión diferente de la ciencia arqueológica como base para la comunicación, la difusión pública del patrimonio europeo, con un acceso más fácil..

15.06.24 10:30 |

Jornada de puertas abiertas en el Museo de Mosaicos de Devnya, con motivo de su aniversario

Este 15 de junio, en la Jornada de puertas abiertas, serán presentados por primera vez a los visitantes del Museo de Mosaicos de Devnya los hallazgos restaurados descubiertos en 2023. Se trata de vasijas de cerámica y lámparas creadas en el estilo de los..

15.06.24 08:30 |