Less than four months after former leader of the Movement for Rights and Freedoms Lutvi Mestan was ousted from that party he fulfilled his intention to establish a new political party. The new formation was officially launched last Sunday..
Askeri tatbikatlar genellikle bahar mevsiminde daha sık düzenleniyor. Mart ayının başından bu yana birkaç tatbikat düzenlendi. Bu arada 2016 yılında bölgede ve dünyada yaşanan gelişmelerden dolayı tatbikatların farklı olması da dikkat çekiyor...
Military training exercises usually increase in number during the spring and their season in Bulgaria has already been gaining force. Several of those have taken place since the beginning of March. In 2016 the trainings are marked by some..
En primavera las maniobras militares suelen volverse más frecuentes y así ya va cobrando fuerza su temporada 2016 en Bulgaria. Sólo desde comienzos de marzo hasta la fecha ya se han sucedido varios ejercicios militares. En 2016 las maniobras militares..
Haftanın ilk gününde Üçlü İşbirliği Milli Konseyi, hükümetin İçişleri bakanlığı kanununda değişiklikler ve ilaveler yapılmasına dair yasa tasarısını ele alacak. Parlamento İç güvenlik ve toplum düzeni alt Komisyonu bu projeyi reddettikten sonra, İçişleri..
Today, the first day of the week, the National Council for Tripartite Cooperation is to discuss the government-proposed amendments to the Ministry of the Interior Act. Yesterday, not long after the parliamentary internal security and public..
Hoy, lunes, primer día de la nueva semana, el Consejo Nacional de Cooperación Tripartita está debatiendo un proyecto del Gobierno de Enmiendas a la Ley para el Ministerio del Interior. El domingo, pocos días después de haber rechazado este proyecto, la..
Fears that after the closedown of the so-called Balkan Route, migration flow towards West Europe would redirect to Bulgaria have not been justified so far. In Interior Ministry analyses Bulgaria is not part of the new routes that migration flows will..
De momento no se han justificado los recelos de que, tras el cierre de la llamada Ruta Balcánica, el flujo migratorio rumbo a Europa Occidental se reencauzara a través de Bulgaria. Según los análisis del Ministerio del Interior, Bulgaria no forma parte..
Recently asked whether a ban on wearing burkas in public places should be introduced in Bulgarian legislation, Prosecutor General Sotir Tsatsarov replied that wearing burkas should be restricted especially in schools and universities. He also..
Сегодня с вами в программе ведущий Вили Балтаджиян: В начале – новости; Затем расскажем об истории последней болгарской подлодки;..
"Болгария будет продолжать оказывать сильную поддержку европейской перспективе Черногории", - заявил президент Румен Радев в ходе встречи со своим..
Центральная избирательная комиссия (ЦИК) обязана выполнить возложенный ей Конституционным судом (КС) пересчет результатов выборов. Это определит,..