The political campaign for the forthcoming local elections on October 25 ends on Friday, October 23, one month after it started. Most analysts contend that this election campaign was too sluggish and some even believe that it has been the most..
NATO müttefiği ve üyesi 30 ülkeden 36 000 asker, 140 uçak ve 60 askeri gemi İtalya, Portekiz ve İspanya’da, Akdeniz sularına ve Atlantik Okyanusunun Doğu kesminde NATO’nun son 25 yılki en kapsamlı deniz tatbikatını yapıyor. “Trident Juncture-2015”..
36,000 troops, 140 aircraft and 60 warships of more than 30 members and partners of NATO participate in the largest NATO military exercise for the past 25 years in the Mediterranean and the eastern Atlantic. The drill is called Trident Juncture..
On Thursday evening, in a moment when the European Council was discussing the problem with the migratory pressure towards the European Union, a fatal gunshot fired by a Bulgarian member of the Border Police took the life of an illegal immigrant from..
After talks with his Turkish colleague in Istanbul on Wednesday, PM Boyko Borissov stated, just hours before today’s session of the European Council that the Bulgarian delegation at the forum would provide “full support” to Turkey. Borissov..
Başbakan Boyko Borisov, Çarşamba günü İstanbul’da Türkiye Başbakanı Ahmet Davutoğlu ile yaptığı görüşmenin ardından Avrupa Konseyi’nin bugünkü toplantısına saatler kala Bulgar heyetinin forumda Türkiye’ye “tam destek vereceği” açıklamasını yaptı. Boyko..
These days the Bulgarian government has announced plans for changes in the Law on Foreigners. There are planned changes in the visa regime that many see as tightening the rules. The government, however, claims that the major goal of the new regulations..
Hükümet bugünlerde Yabancılar Yasasına değişiklik önerilerini açıkladı. Vize rejiminde öngörülen değişiklikler birçoğu tarafından son dönemde artmış bulunan göç baskısından dolayı yabancıların ülkeye erişim şartlarının daha sıkı hale getirilmesi olarak..
Estos días, el Gobierno búlgaro ha hecho públicas varias propuestas de cambios en la Ley de Extranjería. Se prevén cambios en el régimen de extensión de visados, definidos por muchas personas como un reforzamiento de las condiciones para admitir..
Having given his support to Turkey‘s demand for the establishment of a safe zone in Syria at the European Council recently, at the end of this week, Prime Minister Boyko Borissov once again discussed the matter, this time at a one-on-one meeting with..
Ночью на воскресенье, 9 марта, погода над Болгарией будет ясной и почти тихой. Минимальная температура составит от минус 3° до +2°, в Софии – около..
Официальной церемонией и Шествием толерантности "Мы помним" в Софии была отмечена 82-я годовщина спасения болгарских евреев и почтена память евреев,..
Предусматриваются законодательные изменения, согласно которым граждан, пересекающим пешеходный переход с мобильным телефоном в руке, будут..