Investments, cross-border cooperation and control are some of the priorities that are key to the European perspective for the Western Balkans. This was the conclusion the participants in a seminar on the European perspective of the Western..
Préserver le patrimoine culturel est un sujet qui revient souvent dans la ligne de mire de l’opinion. Idée au plus haut point louable et inspirante, n’étant le fait qu’elle ressurgit chaque fois qu’une perle d’architecture, portant l’esprit..
El tema de la conservación del patrimonio cultural de Bulgaria es periódicamente el centro de la atención pública. Sin embargo, esto a menudo sucede solamente cuando otra joya arquitectónica más que alberga el espíritu y el estilo de una época pasada..
The topic of preservation of cultural heritage in this country is often in the focus of public attention in this country. Often, however, this happens only after yet another architectural beauty, bearing the spirit and style of a past era, is..
Sofya'da gerçekleştirilen Bulgaristan-Avusturya İş Forumu'nda Bulgaristan Ticaret ve Sanayi Odası Başkanı Tsvetan Simeonov, ülkede yatırım yapan Avusturyalı şirketlerin % 90'ından fazlasının Bulgaristan'daki yatırımlarını sürdürmek veya genişletmek..
Más del 90 % de las empresas austriacas que hayan hecho inversiones en Bulgaria tienen la intención de conservar o expandir sus inversiones en este país. Así lo ha informado en el marco del foro empresarial búlgaro-austriaco, organizado en Sofía, Tsvetan..
More than 90 percent of the Austrian companies which have invested in this country intend to keep or expand their investments in Bulgaria, Tsvetan Simeonov, President of the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry declared at the..
Plus de 90% des sociétés autrichiennes ayant déjà investi en Bulgarie envisagent de conserver, voire d’augmenter le montant de leurs investissements, a annoncé dans le cadre du forum bulgaro-autrichien à Sofia le président de la Chambre bulgare de..
Quality of food Bulgarians eat is still different from what is available in supermarkets across Europe. This has been recently shown by a research of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. It covered 53 types of foods and drinks, offered in..
Sofya, "Çocuklar ve Medya. Misyon: Etik kurallar " konulu uluslararası bir konferansa ev sahipliği yaptı. Forum, Avrupa Gazeteciler Derneği Bulgaristan temsilciliğinin UNICEF ile ortaklaşa düzenlendi. Bunun nedeni, Ulusal İstatistik Enstitüsü'nün (NSİ),..