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от 15.00 часа

author: Yoan Kolev

The trolley car, a gatherer of myriad human fates

Public transportation and traffic are part of the daily round of urban people. While on a hurry going to work however, we sometimes fail to notice a few situations that we become part of. With his debut photo exhibition Hristo Rahnev has..

04.01.17 12:00 |

Un monument de l’alphabet cyrillique en Antarctique

L’alphabet cyrillique aura son monument en Antarctique. L’idée vient de Bulgares et de Mongols. Le fait que des Mongols s’associent à ce projet pourrait paraître un peu surprenant mais c’est un des rares peuples non-slaves qui utilise cet..

01.01.17 09:05 |

Bulgaria and Mongolia put up monument to Cyrillic alphabet in Antarctica

The Cyrillic alphabet will have a monument in Antarctica and the idea for this belongs to Bulgaria and Mongolia. Mongolia’s involvement may seem strange to some, but it should be remembered that it is one of few non-Slavic nations that uses the..

25.12.16 11:15 |

Bordado búlgaro brilla sobre una tarta en Canadá

¿Qué es vivir en un mundo en que todo a tu alrededor está hecho de azúcar, chocolate o galletas, igual que en el cuento Hanzel y Gretel de los hermanos Grim? Cada uno de nosotros se ha hecho esta pregunta y ha soñado con estar en un lugar similar al..

18.12.16 09:00 |

Bulgarian embroidery adorns designer cake in… Canada

What would it be like to be living in a world where everything around is made of sugar, chocolate or biscuits? Like in the witch's house from the Grimm Brothers’ tale of Hansel and Gretel? Many have asked themselves that at least once in their..

17.12.16 09:35 |

Kanada’da düğün pastasının dekorasyonunda Bulgar nakış

Şeker, çikolata ve bisküviden kurulmuş bir dünyada yaşamak nedir acaba? Neydi o Grim kardeşlerin masalı … Henzel ve Gretel…hani ormanda tatlılardan yapılmış bir ev buldular ve hemen şekerleri yemeye başladılar… İtiraf edin bunu okurken böyle bir..

16.12.16 14:04 |

Online register presents Sofia’s monuments

There are around 2,000 monuments, sculptures and bas-reliefs in Sofia, commemorating outstanding individuals and significant events. Some we pass by every day and know well, others we are not aware even exist. Until recently any information about..

16.12.16 13:16 |

Des ornements bulgares magnifient des gâteaux au Canada

Cela vous dirait de vivre dans un monde fait de sucre, de chocolat et de pâte d’amandes? On pense tout de suite à la petite maison de la sorcière dans le conte des Frères Grimm Hansel et Gretel ou Jeannot et Margot dans la belle..

16.12.16 10:43 |

Koprivştitsa Folklor Festivali, UNESKO’yu da “fethetti”!

„Bulgaristan kalbimizde”. Koprivştitsa Folklor Festivaline gelen Japon turistlerinin T-shırtlarındaki bu yazı ile, her beş yılda güzel şehrin çevresinde bulunan yedi çayıra akın eden binlerce katılımcının heyecanını ve duygularını özetlemek için..

14.12.16 13:10 |

Le festival du folklore de Koprivchtitza, dans nos cœurs et sur la liste du patrimoine de l’UNESCO

„ La Bulgarie dans le coeur“. Cette « déclaration d’amour » qu’arborent   fièrement sur leurs tee shirts les touristes japonais, venus à Koprivchtitza à l’occasion du Festival du folklore et de la création authentique témoigne..

14.12.16 12:36 |
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