¿Qué podría mover a un norteamericano a abandonar su patria y llegar a Bulgaria para radicarse definitivamente en este país? La respuesta asombrará a muchos pero es un hecho el que Eric Halsey ha sido cautivado por la magia de la historia..
Quels pourraient être les motifs d’un Américain de quitter son propre pays pour venir s’installer en Bulgarie ? La réponse pourrait surprendre certains mais ce qui est sûr, c'est qu’Eric Holsey est fasciné par la magie de l’histoire bulgare. Le..
Bir Amerikalı’yı vatanını terkedip Bulgaristan’da yaşamasını sağlayan güç ne olabilir acaba ? Aslında cevap herkesi şaşırtabilir, fakat Eric Holzi’nin Bulgaristan tarihine hayran kaldığı da bir gerçek. İngilizce tercümeli okuduğu ilk kitap ise Stefan..
A new European cultural route – “Following in the footsteps of Bulgarian gardeners” will be applying to the Council of Europe for a certificate. The aim is to integrate the project into the European “Cultural routes” programme, tracing the..
“Bulgar bahçıvanların izinden” isimli yeni Avrupa kültür yolu projesi, sertifika için Avrupa Konseyi’ne başvuruda bulunacak. Projenin amacı, halkların tarihlerini, göçlerini ve Avrupa medeniyetlerinin yayılması konusunu ele alarak “Kültür yolları”..
« Sur la route des jardiniers bulgares » - c’est le nom du projet avec lequel l’Institut de recherche des Bulgares en Hongrie, le Musée des jardiniers migrants à Liasкovets, le Musée régional de Véliko Tarnovo et l’Université de Chumen..
Yoghurt, the oil yielding rose, motifs from Chiprovtsi rugs - the symbols of Bulgaria, have become increasingly known in China in the recent years. Cultural and trade contacts have been intensified owing in the first place to the work of this..
En los calurosos días del verano la antigua capital búlgara Veliko Tarnovo volverá a vivir momentos gloriosos de su historia. Durante dos meses el festival Escenario de los Siglos que se organiza en la colina de Tsarevets relatará a través de..
During the hot summer days guests and citizens of the Bulgarian city of Veliko Tarnovo could pay visits to various cultural events and see reenactments of glorious historical moments. In a period of 2 months the Stage of Centuries Festival in..
Each year at least one village vanishes from Bulgaria's map. According to data of the National Statistical Institute, in 2015 alone, a total of 164 Bulgarian villages disappeared from the country map. The large-scale migration to Bulgaria's..