Even if the National Assembly fails to pass a law to extend this year's budget, there is no legal obstacle to the payment of pensions to more than 2 million pensioners. Provisions in the Social Security Code regulate pension payments in the event of a..
The indexation of pensions from July 1, 2025 should be between 8 and 9%, and from January 1, the maximum social security income should be increased to 4,130 BGN (2,065 euros), the caretaker government proposes with the draft budget of..
At a meeting of the caretaker government, Prime Minister Dimitar Glavchev confirmed that the Dutch government has agreed with Bulgaria's full accession to Schengen. He said that according to the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, the benefits of the..
Caretaker Prime Minister Dimitar Glavchev said that no increase in social security contributions is being planned. Glavchev attended the presentation of a new, state-of-the-art artificial intelligence, operating in Bulgarian and..
Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Lyudmila Petkova has pledged that there will be no increase in social contributions, corporate or personal income taxes in 2025. The Covid-19 pension supplements will not be discontinued and the budget..
In 2023, there will be 68 pensioners per 100 insured workers in Bulgaria. By 2070, the ratio is expected to be 78 pensioners per 100 insured workers. This information comes from a 2024 report by the National Social Security Institute, which forecasts..
In an analysis of the pension system in Bulgaria, the International Monetary Fund urges the country to raise pensions by raising social security contributions and doing away with the maximum insurable earnings. According to the analysis, pensions in..
The MPs obligated the supervisory board of the National Social Security Institute to support the revaluation of pensions by 11% as of 1 July this year. Such a decision had already been approved by the supervisory board but one of the..
The National Assembly will hold an extraordinary sitting at 1 pm on May 21, the Parliament’s presiding body decided. MPs will hear caretaker Premier Dimitar Glavchev regarding the upcoming increase in pensions from July 1. The request for the..
I proposed that the pensions update from July 1, 2024 be set at 11% and the Supervisory Board of the National Social Insurance Institute voted in favour of my proposal, caretaker Minister of Labor and Social Policy Ivaylo Ivanov said. He noted that..