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Weather forecast for Bulgaria for Wednesday, January 25

On Wednesday the lowest temperatures will fluctuate between minus 3°C and 2°C, for Sofia-around minus 1°C . It will be cloudy during the day, with low chance of precipitation. Daytime highs will range from 2° to 7°C, for Sofia-around 2°C. Over..

24.01.23 19:25 |

Weather forecast for Bulgaria for Saturday, January 21

Precipitation will temporarily stop on Friday night. Clouds will break over most parts of the country. Later, clouds will increase from the southwest. On Saturday, January 21, there will be significant cloudiness. It will rain in some areas..

20.01.23 19:25 |

Weather forecast for Bulgaria for Sunday, January 15

It will be mostly cloudy and calm on Saturday night. The lowest temperatures will fluctuate between minus 1°C and 4°C, for Sofia around zero. There will be significant clouds on Sunday, with low visibility in some valleys and lowlands in..

14.01.23 17:25 |

Weather forecast for Bulgaria for Wednesday, January 11

 It will be cloudy on Wednesday . It will snow on higher ground in Western Bulgaria and the Pre-Balkans. Rain is in the forecast for the Upper Thracian Plain and the eastern parts of the country. The lowest temperatures will fluctuate between..

10.01.23 19:25 |

Weather forecast for Bulgaria for Sunday, January 8

Clear skies are in the weather forecast for most parts of the country for Saturday night. It will be mostly sunny on Sunday. There will be significant low cloudiness in the easternmost parts of the country. It will be calm. There will be moderate..

07.01.23 17:25 |

Weather forecast for Bulgaria for Saturday, December 31

On Saturday the lowest temperatures will fluctuate between 1°C and 4°C, for Sofia 1°C. In the valleys there will be fog and low clouds in the morning hours. Daytime highs will reach 11°C-12°C, for Sofia-around 11°C. Over the Black Sea coast..

30.12.22 19:25 |

Weather forecast for Bulgaria for Wednesday, December 28

On Wednesday the lowest temperatures will fluctuate between 0°C and 5°C, for Sofia 1°C. Clouds will break and it will be mostly sunny. Light rain is in the forecast for some areas in Southwestern Bulgaria. Daytime highs will reach 7°C-12°C, for..

27.12.22 17:25 |

Weather forecast for Bulgaria for Sunday, December 25

Clouds will dissipate in the next 24 hours. It will be mostly sunny. There will be light and moderate westerly and northwesterly wind. The lowest temperatures will fluctuate between 0°C and 5°C, for Sofia 0°C. Daytime highs will reach 9°C-14°C, for..

24.12.22 17:25 |

Weather forecast for Bulgaria for Monday, December 19

On Monday minimum temperatures will range between minus 2°C and 3°C, for Sofia-around minus 2°C. There will be significant cloudiness in the morning hours. Clouds will break in the afternoon. Daytime highs will reach 1°C-6°C, for Sofia around 2°C, in..

18.12.22 17:25 |

Weather forecast: Temperatures continue to drop, it will snow in some parts of Bulgaria

Cold air will continue to penetrate the country on Monday. Temperatures will continue to drop. There will be significant cloudiness. It will stop raining in the western parts of the country on Sunday night. It will continue to rain along the Black..

11.12.22 17:25 |
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