During the holy liturgy in Orthodox churches of Bulgaria, there is one chant that is performed only once a year. Only on Good Friday, the chant “Nadgrobnoe ridanie" (Sepulchral lamentation in English), also known as the "Opelo Christovo” (Requiem..
On January 18, the Orthodox Church revers the memory of St. Athanasius the Great. According to popular belief, St. Athanasius is a patron of winter storms. On horseback, donned in a silk shirt, goes St. Athanasius into the forest and yells, “Go away,..
As the legend has it, St. Stephen was fully devoted to his service. He was among the first 7 deacons, initiated by the first apostles. He was a wonderworker- he would put his hands on ill bodies and those would be healed in a miraculous manner. Elated..
On November 25 the Orthodox Church honors the memory of St. Clement of Ohrid, a Bulgarian scholar and founder of the Ohrid Literary School. St. Clement of Ohrid is considered to be the first bishop of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church and one of the..
Forty days prior to the Nativity of Christ Orthodox Christians begin to serve meatless dishes on their table to prepare for the holiest feast. If bodily privations are not accompanied by repentance, pious thoughts, acts of..
On September 8, when the Bulgarian Orthodox Church celebrates the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Nativity of the Holy Theotokos), we take a look at the beautiful valley of Gabrovnitsa River and the Monastery of the Holy Theotokos, better..
The Assumption is one of the biggest summer holidays, marked by the Orthodox Church on August 15 (August 28, according to old style calendar.) The holiday has its origins in the Jerusalem Church and is one of the most ancient celebrations, dedicated..
On July 17, the Orthodox Church honors the Holy Martyr Marina. The Holy Great Martyr Marina was born in Asia Minor, in the city of Antioch of Pisidia. During the time of the persecution against the Christians under Emperor Diocletian, when she was..
On January 18, the Orthodox Church revers the memory of St. Athanasius the Great. St. Athanasius the Great was an Egyptian theologian and man of God, Patriarch of Alexandria from 328 until 373 AD. He was the first to have popularized monasticism..
On December 9 the Orthodox Church celebrates the Conception of the Most Holly Theotokos by Saint Anne who is regarded as patron saint of marriage, family, young girls, widows and motherhood. St. Anne and her Husband St. Joachim were married for..