The war in Ukraine, the ongoing economic uncertainty and inflation Bulgaria undoubtedly have their impact on people's incomes, as well as their purchasing power. And while the caretaker government timidly begins a conversation with unions and employers..
Businesses have demanded compensation for high electricity prices. In a letter to the prime minister and ministers, employers' organizations remind that the current compensation scheme expires in September and call for urgent measures. A possible delay..
Social inequalities and inflation are two of the leading problems in Bulgaria’s income policy. While inflation is a pan-European issue, provoked by external factors, such as the war in Ukraine, the price of energy carriers, etc., the wide gap between..
As of 1 January, 2023, the minimum salary will be calculated on the basis of a formula, instead of being calculated administratively. The Ministry of Labour and Social Policy presented, to businesses and TUs, three different options of the..
Bulgarian government proposes compensations for the electricity prices for the month of May equal to 80% of the increase over 100 EUR/MWh . The measures for natural gas prices envisage 100% compensation of the price increase in May, the cabinet..
Bulgarian citizens should not give in to panic, Prime Minister Kiril Petkov urged after a meeting with employers. He was adamant that there would be no shortage of goods. We are putting out fire after fire, Petkov said, adding that there is..
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy Kornelyia Ninova met with employers to discuss the impact on the Bulgarian economy of the sanctions imposed on Russia, possible counter-sanctions and the consequences they will have for Bulgaria, the..
Employer organizations are demanding an immediate meeting with Prime Minister Kiril Petkov, at which the “situation which poses an imminent danger to the economy and to social peace” resulting from the high prices of electric energy and gas can be..
So far, there has been no reaction from the President and Prime Minister to the calls of employers' organizations for convening the National Security Council over electricity prices. Vasil Velev from the Bulgarian Industrial Capital..
Bulgaria’s government has introduced a mandatory green certificate for entering the Council of Ministers building. This was announced by Lena Borislavova, head of PM Kiril Petkov’s office. Bulgaria’s Prime Minister Petkov will sign the decree..