Bulgaria’s cabinet adopted a protocol on the EU-Turkey readmission agreement, inked between Sofia and Ankara on May 5 this year. So far, Bulgaria has not received an official answer from Turkey why that country refused to receive back the migrants who..
The Bulgarian border authorities sent a freight train back to Greece last Saturday amid suspicions it was transporting migrants onboard, the BNR reporter Nikolay Hristov informs. The train was sent back to Greece after a regular inspection at a railway..
Seventy migrants from Afghanistan have attempted to cross illegally the Bulgarian-Greek border near Ilinden-Eksohi border checkpoint. The group was spotted by a Bulgarian border patrol just before crossing the state border. The patrol signaled..
"There is no other country in Europe to have reacted so quickly and to have returned refugees”, Bulgarian Prime Minister told the press after an emergency meeting that he called in Blagoevgrad over the passage of the border with Greece by two..
Illegal migrants have been detained close to the town of Petrich, at Bulgaria’s border with Greece. One group of migrants attempted to enter through the night from Greece to Bulgaria and the other group - early this morning. Currently, through the..
Recent days have seen a slight increase in migration pressure, Deputy PM and Interior Minister Rumiana Bachvarova told the press. She pointed out that a group of 30 refugees was intercepted yesterday near the Black Sea town of Primorsko. In..
The Interior Ministry reports that last night three people were injured in a mass fighting between refugees in Sofia. The scandal arose between two groups of migrants - from Afghanistan and Iraq, the Bulgarian National Radio informs. The most likely..
Bulgaria’s Minister of Interior Rumiana Bachvarova denied affirmations of the German intelligence, quoted in German media, about weaknesses regarding control over human traffickers along the Bulgarian-Turkish border. Earlier, German media announced..
The Bulgarian member of the European Parliament and of the European Popular Party through the Bulgarian ruling party Gerb Emil Radev has said that Turkey’s threat to break the agreement with EU and to open the borders to Bulgaria and Europe for..
Bulgaria can’t keep migrants on its territory against their will, Bulgaria’s Premier Boyko Borissov said at the Campaign Managers Meeting of the European People’s Party in Sofia. Sofia agreed to receive 1,200 people under the agreement for relocation..