At an official ceremony today the President and the Vice President of the Republic of Bulgaria Rumen Radev and Iliana Yotova will be sworn in for a second term of office. Before the National Assembly they will take the oath of observing the..
Today, when the Bulgarian Orthodox church marks Epiphany, Bulgarian President and Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Rumen Radev is to take part in the water blessing ceremony of the battle flags and sacred banners of the Bulgarian..
In his traditional New Year's address to the Bulgarian people, Head of State Rumen Radev thanked all those who in 2021 defended the truth and fought for justice "with honest words and courage". He recalled that for Bulgaria the year was marked by..
The amount raised by the "Bulgarian Christmas" charity initiative in support of children in need of special medical care reached over 1,258,000 euros, the presidency announced. Beloved Bulgarian musicians,..
Chaired by the most senior Member of Parliament Dr. Silvi Kirilov, the MPs from the new 47 th National Assembly of Bulgaria took an oath in all of their actions to be guided by the interests of the people of Bulgaria. President Rumen..
On December 3, the 47th National Assembly will start work. This is the third parliament elected by Bulgarian voters in 2021. The session will be opened by the oldest MP, Dr. Silvi Stefanov of the "There is such a people" (ITN) party. Traditionally,..
For the 7 th time in its democratic history, Bulgaria is electing the President of the republic. The President is elected by direct popular vote for a term of five years, and can only be re-elected once. Today is the second round of the..
After the names of the MPs are announced, I will convene the National Assembly as soon as possible. I believe that the parties would overcome their differences in the name of a common future and that there would be a stable..
“The elections in April and in July left Bulgaria without a regular government. The country faces pressing tasks, among them approval of the state budget,” Bulgarian President Rumen Radev stated in an address to the nation on the eve of the..
Today, November 1, at 1 pm, the Bulgarian Head of State Rumen Radev will meet in the Presidency with representatives of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) , who are part of the international organization's mission to observe..