“Five years ago out of a class of 18 university students only 2 said they wanted to become teachers. Now only 2 say they don’t want to. 2,500 young pedagogues started work this year alone which is bringing down the average age of school teachers. It..
At an extraordinary online meeting of the National Council for Tripartite Cooperation, the social partners approved the extension of the measure 60/40 from October 1 to December 31, 2020. The state will continue to pay 60% and employers 40% of..
Despite the crisis over the Covid-19 pandemic, business and government spending on wages is rising. According to the National Statistical Institute, in the second quarter of the year the total costs per hour of work increased by an average of 9.9..
The forecasts are that in 2021 Bulgaria will be able to restore the economic conditions before the pandemic. Even for the first quarter the results are better than the first 3 months of 2019, Bulgaria's Minister of Economy Emil Karanikolov told the BNR...
Almost 240,000 jobs will be saved thanks to the "60/40" measure, Bulgaria's Ministry of Labour and Social Policy has announced. A total of 14,351 applications have already been received from employers for compensation for maintaining the jobs of their..
MPs, cabinet ministers, advisers in their political cabinets and heads of state agencies in Bulgaria give up their salaries since April 1. By the end of the state of emergency declared in Bulgaria until May 12, they will remit their remuneration to the..
Bulgaria's Ministry of Finance is refraining from cutting budget salaries for the time being, said Minister of Finance Vladislav Goranov in parliament. So far, no staff reductions are envisaged, but staff appraisals in the state budget structures will be..
There have been no discussions over cutting the pension rise planned for July 1, Finance Minister Vladislav Goranov has said. The rise will be 6.7%, as decided by Parliament in December. Currently, there are no planned reductions of salaries paid from..
The salaries of 70% of the Bulgarians are lower than the average wages in this country-EUR 615 a month. Most people receive salaries ranging between EUR 358 and 409, despite the last income increase (8%-12%) negotiated in 2018, the President of the..
In 2018 the real annual income per household member amounted to EUR 3,014, which was 7.6% more as compared to the previous year. In the past ten years (2009-2018) the total income per capita increased 1.6 times, the National Statistical Institute..