545 school principals across Bulgaria have signed and submitted a letter to the ministers of education and of healthcare, demanding an amendment to the order for conducting Covid-19 testing in schools. The principals do not consider it right and..
From November 8, Bulgarian students can return to in-person learning in municipalities where the 14-day morbidity is over 500 per 100,000 population, but this can happen only in a safe environment. To this end, teachers who do not have a green..
Students from the 1st to the 4th grade will not wear masks in class. Masks are not mandatory for preschool groups, the Ministry of Education has announced. Masks remain mandatory everywhere in school buildings for all other students, as well as for..
The management of the Medical University in Plovdiv requires students to have a vaccination certificate, a negative PCR test or a document for overcome coronavirus infection in order to attend practical classes in medicine. The rector of the..
Because of the deteriorating epidemic situation, especially in the seaside resorts, the Ministry of Education and Science has stopped accepting applications for free seaside vacations for students. More than 2,500 students are scheduled to have..
The Bulgarian government has approved nearly BGN 1 million for the summer vacation of 2,577 students from 103 schools under the National Together Again Programme . The programme, funded under the national budget, provides for six-day tourist trips to..
Under the "Together Again" programme, 30,000 students and teachers will spend free vacations at tourist sites to support businesses. Each school will be able to send no more than 70 children from the 1st to the 9th grade from state and municipal schools...
The second compulsory matriculation exam for 12th grade students takes place today in Bulgaria. The subject of examination can be chosen by high school graduates. This year, too, most students have chosen English, followed by biology and health..
Stanimir Boyadzhiev has been elected to become part of the new leadership of the European Students' Union (ESU). For the second time a Bulgarian reaches such a high position in the Executive Council of the organization. Stanimir..
The school year will end with in-person classes. External assessment and matriculation exams will be held in schools and no teaching material will be skipped. This was what outgoing Minister of Education Krassimir Valchev said in Veliko Tarnovo,..