The Roma community in Bulgaria is celebrating Vasilyevden /or Vasilitsa, Bango Vasili (literally the Lame Vasil)/, also known as the Roma New Year , reports the Amalipe Foundation. The Roma New Year combining in its traditions Christmas with St...
The Roma New Year celebrations begin tonight and will last for three days. For the Roma people, Vasilitsa, or better known as Bango Vasil (literally "limping Vasil"), is perhaps the most revered family holiday. Families gather for dinner, the..
On 14 January, the Roma community in Bulgaria celebrated its most important holiday - Vasilovden or Bango Vasil. To share the traditions of Roma folklore during the celebration of the Roma New Year, as the holiday is also known, children from the..
President Rumen Radev met with children from two schools in Sliven on the occasion of the Roma New Year festival Bango Vasil . He praised the kids for their high grades in class . "Your progress is not only a joy for your parents and families, it..
The Old New Year or the Orthodox New Year is marked on January 13, because of the differences between the Gregorian and the Julian calendar . The day marks the start of the New Year by the Julian calendar. Orthodox Communities that refuse to accept..
На Васильовден ромите честват своята Нова година На 14 януари ромската общност в България празнува своя най-значим празник Васильовден или Банго Васил - „Куцият Васил“. Празникът е известен като „Ромската нова година“ и се чества от всички, независимо..
On January 13th, the Bulgarian Roma celebrate their new year. The day, known as Vasilyovden or Bango Vasil (literally "The Limping Vasil"), is celebrated by all Roma groups in Bulgaria and is associated with many Gypsy legends. Bango Vasil is one of..