The price of electricity for households could increase by nearly 9% starting next year, according to estimates by the Energy and Water Regulatory Commission. This means that with an average consumption of nearly 400 kilowatt-hours, the monthly bills..
In September 2022, non-performing fast loans in Bulgaria increased with 23.2% year-on-year to a total of BGN 346.4 million (EUR 176.7 million), statistical data of the Bulgarian National Bank show. For comparison, a year ago the amount of bad loans..
A programme for energy efficiency of multi-family residential buildings on the territory of all Bulgarian municipalities is being launched at the beginning of November. 1.4 billion Leva has been provided for the purpose under the Recovery and..
According to data of the 2021 Census, 90.8% of the households in Bulgaria live in their own dwelling. 3.7% rent homes. 8% of the households possess a second dwelling, the National Statistical Institute announced. 92.2% of the households live in..
68% of the households in the country live on an income below the subsistence level. In 2019 this percentage was 72, which means that the socially targeted measures during the crisis are having a certain positive effect, indicates an analysis..
Bulgarians remain pessimistic about their financial situation over the next 12 months, a survey of the National Statistical Institute conducted in July 2020 reads. Although attitudes on economic development in this country are better than..