Bulgarian youth are not socially apathetic or radicalised, but they are increasingly insecure about their prospects in various spheres of life - this is clear from a survey among young people in this country, which a group of..
A concert entitled “Volunteer’s Day” will bring together young talents dedicated to the causes of healthy living and volunteering on one stage in Sofia today. One of the goals of the event is to support the personal growth of young people and..
Half of young people in Bulgaria with a monthly income of more than EUR 1 000 are afraid of financial problems , according to a representative survey by Trend. The "Young People in Bulgaria - Mental Risks, Challenges and Perspectives" survey was..
Around 45% of the country's eligible young people voted in the European Parliament elections on 9 June . The data comes from the Youth Participation in Democratic Life project, in partnership with the Centre for Human Resources Development and the..
In 2023, the share of young people aged up to 29 neither in employment nor in education, stands at 13.8%, as compared to 15.1% a year earlier. Compared to the other EU countries, this percentage remains high. 1/7 th of the young people who are..
Over 18% of young Bulgarians aged 15 to 30 neither work, nor study and this creates a big challenge, said the head of the Delegation of Bulgarian Socialists in the European Parliament, Petar Vitanov, at the opening of a round table..
The most desirable destination for higher education for Bulgarian young people is the Netherlands. N ikolay Histanov, manager of "Higher Education Abroad Programs" at Integral Educational Programs, told BNR that in the last 1.2 years the Netherlands..
One in five Bulgarians has not read a single book in the past year, indicates a national survey on reading attitudes among Bulgarian citizens of different age groups conducted by the Bulgarian Book Association. One more worrying fact is that many of..
47.9% of young people in this country, aged 15 to 24, or over 315,000 lack basic secondary school skills, show data of the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment ( PIS A). Another 44.5% in the same age bracket, or more than..
The poor results of the national external assessment have focused public attention on one major problem - the quality of Bulgarian education. They have raised a number of questions: what knowledge and skills do graduates have; are they able to meet the..