People engaged in the sphere of art are staging a protest in front of the Council of Ministers over the planned low budget in the sector for next year, and are demanding a meeting with the prime minister and the minister of culture. They are..
People with disabilities protested in the centre of Sofia with demands for higher disability allowances (DA) and bonuses starting January, not July 1, 2024 as foreseen in the draft budget. Protesters are also demanding that the minimum..
Liderul liberalilor europeni Ilhan Kyuchyuk, împreună cu colegii săi - europarlamentarul român Vlad Botoș și austriacul Helmut Brandstetter, vor protesta luni (4 decembrie) în fața Ministerului de Interne de la Viena împotriva veto-ului impus de Austria..
La Casa de Cultură "Krasno Selo" din Sofia a fost organizat un miting de protest "104 ani de la dictatul de la Neuilly". Participanții la adunarea de protest pot vedea unele dintre produsele culturale "interzise" în acest an, cum ar fi cărți și..
Farmers and greenhouse growers have taken to the streets to protest against what they say is a dire situation in the sector . They are demanding the resignation of Agriculture Minister Kirill Vatev and compensation for losses caused by imports of..
Fermierii și cultivatorii de sere sunt așteptați să protesteze astăzi la Sofia. Mitingul lor va începe la ora 11.00 în fața Ministerului Agriculturii, Alimentației și Pădurilor și se va încheia în fața clădirii Consiliului de Miniștri, a declarat..
Farmers and greenhouse growers are expected to protest in Sofia today. Their rally will begin at 11am in front of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry and will end in front of the Council of Ministers building, the Chairman of the National..
Hundreds of police officers came out to protest, in their words spontaneously, in front of parliament building, demanding an end to the politicization of the events from 16 November, when football fans organized a protest against the Bulgarian..
At an extraordinary meeting of the Parliamentary Committee on Internal Security and Public Order today, Minister of Interior Kalin Stoyanov, the Chief Secretary of the Ministry of Interior, the directors of the "National Police", "Gendarmerie" and..
Five sectoral agricultural organisations have demanded immediate payment of subsidies intended to offset the negative effects of imports of agricultural products from Ukraine, informs BNR reporter Veselina Milanova. The angry farmers said that they..