This is my first visit to Bulgaria, but in the course of few hours only I have understood why it is a favorite destination of Romanian tourists, said Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Regional Development and Public Administration Vasile Dîncu at a..
There is no immediate threat of a spread of the Zika virus carried by mosquitoes, said in parliament Bulgarian Health Minister Petre Moskov. There are neither confirmed Zika cases in this country, nor any potential threat of the virus, figures from..
Bulgarian company "Bulgartransgas" and its Romanian partner "Transgaz" have signed an addendum to a contract from April that concerns the construction of the gas interconnector under the Danube. A planned back-up gas pipeline in addition to the main..
En route pour Vidin, je me prépare intérieurement à me retrouver dans la région la plus pauvre dans l’UE. La route passe à travers un paysage montagneux, coloré des nuances d’automne. Je m’attendais de voir des champs agricoles abandonnés et je..
The state gas companies of Bulgaria and Romania have ended the contract with the companies that previously had to drill into the Danube, because they could not cope with the technical challenges of the terrain. Thus the tender procedure will be resumed...
Dans les pays riverains du Danube, les cyclistes peuvent se promener sur les bords de ce majestueux fleuve qui parcourt une grande partie de notre continent, en utilisant des pistes cyclables spécialement aménagés et en passant sans difficulté d’un pays à..