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Ivan Geshev

Prosecutor's Office: Suggestions for need of reforms are untenable

Talks about linking the funds under the Recovery and Resilience Plan with the need for reforms in the prosecution and the ousting of Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev are untenable. This has been stated at a briefing by the Prosecutor's..

20.12.21 15:47 |
Ivan Geshev

Kryeprokurori Ivan Geshev pret mbështetje nga Evropa për ruajtjen e strukturave të specializuara

Kryeprokurori Ivan Geshev pret një përgjigje evropiane ndaj synimit të pushtetarëve të rinj për të mbyllur gjykatën dhe prokurorinë e specializuar. Duke hyrë në Kuvendin Popullor, ku aktualisht po votohet për kabinetin e ardhshëm, ai shtoi se është në..

13.12.21 15:51 |
Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev (C)

Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev: The Prosecutor’s Office is ready to discuss judicial reform

Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev stated the prosecutor’s office was ready to take part in any discussion of a judicial reform that will live up to public expectations of more justice, BNR’s Silvia Velikova reports. Parties negotiating for the..

09.12.21 13:45 |
Ivan Geshev

Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev opens a conference themed “Judicial Reform. Specialized Judiciary"

Bulgaria’s Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev will open today a conference themed “Judicial Reform. Specialized Judiciary.”  The participants are expected to be welcomed by Adrián Vázquez Lázara, Chair of the European Parliament’s Committee on Legal..

09.12.21 05:05 |
Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev

Justice Minister says he will demand removal from office of Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev

Caretaker Minister of Justice Ivan Demerdzhiev stated that he was ready to submit a demand for the early termination of the term of office of Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev. In “The government talking, openly!” in the government’s Facebook..

05.11.21 09:57 |

Bulgarian Prosecutor General calls against closure of specialized court

At the annual meeting of Prosecutors General of the EU countries in The Hague, Bulgarian Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev expressed concerns that if the specialized court and specialized prosecutor's office were closed, the..

15.10.21 13:59 |

Eurodeputetët: Nuk morëm përgjigje nga Kryeprokurori

Deputetët nga grupi i monitorimit pranë Komisionit për të Drejtat dhe Liritë Civile pranë Parlamentit Evropian, të cilët janë për vizitë në vendin tonë , njoftuan se Kryeprokurori Ivan Geshev nuk u është përgjigjur pyetjeve të tyre. Ndër..

24.09.21 18:08 |

Bulgaria's Interior Minister complains about inaction of chief prosecutor

We see how the prosecutor's office headed by Ivan Geshev does not allow the start of any trial against the former government, Boyko Rashkov, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior , told BNR. He stressed that there is no pre-trial proceedings on..

24.09.21 11:13 |
Filip Stanev

Prosecutor General is no longer in charge of Witness Protection Bureau

The Witness Protection Bureau in Bulgaria goes under the management of the Ministry of Justice, lawmakers decided in the last working day of the 46th National Assembly. The transfer of powers over the Bureau from the Prosecutor's..

15.09.21 13:01 |

Chief prosecutor Ivan Geshev warns crime might reach 90s levels

Bulgaria's Chief Prosecutor Ivan Geshev surprisingly came to parliament to warn lawmakers that the state prosecution refused to take responsibility for the consequences of closing the specialized court and prosecutor's office and relocating the Witness..

10.09.21 14:21 |
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