Bulgarian Deputy Prime Minister responsible for Justice Reform and Foreign Minister, Ekaterina Zaharieva, has met with Austrian Federal Minister for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs Sebastian Kurtz in Vienna. The two agreed that cooperation..
The teams of Bulgaria, Estonia and Austria working on the three countries’ upcoming rotating EU presidencies have agreed to hold their first coordination meeting in mid-September. The meeting was set after Great Britain officially declined..
Austria’s Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz stated that Bulgaria was doing the best it can to cope with the migration flows, adding that the country is an EU external border. Minister Kurz held a meeting with his Bulgarian counterpart Daniel Mitov,..
Më 1 e 2 shkurt një vizitë pune në Bullgari bëri kancelari federal i Austrisë Werner Faymann. Vizita dha një arsye të mirë që të bëjmë një pasqyrë të marrëdhënieve dypalëshe dhe të përvijojmë perspektivat e tyre. Sivjet mbushen 133 vjet nga vendosja e..