In terms of bird diversity Bulgaria occupies one of the leading places in Europe and is among the the TOP 5 destinations for birdwatching tourism on the Old Continent, we learn from our conversation with Dr. Georgi Gerdzhikov, who has..
Bulgaria continues to be dedicated to the joint mission of developing the potential of science in support of peace in a world of fierce competition and for the positive development of our societies. This was what Bulgarian President..
Cases of pertussis (whooping cough) are now few, while the number of scarlet fever and chickenpox cases has been reduced to a reasonable minimum . Prof. Todor Kantardzhiev, former director of the National Center for Infectious and..
Bulgaria is in second place after Cyprus in the ranking of forest fires in Europe in 2024, according to the European Forest Fire Information System. About 600 forest fires break out in this country every year, affecting..
"What is the European history we share? What are the cultural characteristics and political discourse that shape and sustain the project for a united Europe in Sofia and Paris, in Kiyv and in Warsaw; in Riga and in Budapest, in..
The elections for European Parliament on June 9, 2024. passed without particular upheavals for the leading political formations. The European People's Party and the Socialists remain in charge, and they will probably continue to..
"Nous ne ferons plus de concessions", a déclaré le premier ministre et chef de la diplomatie bulgare, Dimitar Glavtchev devant des journalistes, commentant les résultats des élections en Macédoine du Nord et l’avenir européen de l'ex-république..
La Bulgarie participe toujours plus activement à la dynamique de la mobilité européenne. Les communautés les plus denses d’expatriés bulgares se trouvent en Allemagne. Beaucoup de Bulgares habitent aussi en Espagne, un pays où la mentalité et la..
Bulgaria is increasingly becoming part of the general trend and dynamics of European citizens changing their location. There are no inhospitable European countries, rather it is a matter of policies and different interests of the..
The European force for positive transformation is visible, North Macedonia's deputy foreign minister Fatmire Isaki told the EU meets the Balkans forum in Sofia . She said there are differences in the development of each new member, but there is not a..