Ministrul pentru Europa al Regatului Unit, Leo Doherty, se află în vizită la Sofia. Bulgaria și Marea Britanie lucrează la un acord de parteneriat strategic, a anunțat Ambasada Marii Britanii la Sofia. „Această vizită demonstrează solidaritatea cu..
Caretaker Minister of Interior Ivan Demerdzhiev held a telephone conversation with the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of North Macedonia Oliver Spasovski. Minister Demerdzhiev insisted that North Macedonia’s authorities quickly clarify..
Bulgaria's caretaker Interior Minister Ivan Demerdzhiev commented to Nova TV on the data presented yesterday by the prosecutor's office, according to which the chief prosecutor is the subject of attacks by oligarchs, and prosecutors and judges are being..
Pentru combaterea traficului de persoane, în Bulgaria urmează să fie înființat un Centru de Coordonare cu participarea reprezentanților tuturor statelor membre ale UE și sub conducerea Europol. Anunțul a fost făcut de ministrul Afacerilor Interne din..
The European Commission will provide Bulgaria with funds for the technical equipment needed to guard the border with Turkey and for the salaries of more than 1,200 border police officers . This was stated by Interior Minister Ivan Demerdzhiev at the..
Zilele acestea, în Bulgaria, se desfășoară o acțiune a Parchetului European, informează BTA. Ministrul de interne Ivan Demerdzhiev a confirmat informațiile și a adăugat că materialele aferente acțiunii vor fi comunicate în detaliu, după finalizare...
There has been a dramatic increase in the number of lawsuits involving human trafficking, the prosecutor’s office announced. In 2019 there were 670 new lawsuits, and in 2022 - 2 , 626 . 2,208 people were convicted last year as against 720..
“What I saw from the Magnitsky sanctions is one more slap in the face of all institutions,” Interior Minister in the caretaker cabinet Ivan Demerdzhiev said for the BNR. US sanctions Bulgarian officials, firms for corruption, adding..
North Macedonia must understand that the path to Europe and good neighborly relations is through actions, not through words. Violence and provocations beget violence and provocations, and this vicious circle must be broken, said Bulgaria's caretaker..
Vote-buying practices will worsen in upcoming parliamentary elections due to the reintroduction of paper ballots , says caretaker Interior Minister Ivan Demerdzhiev. The National Assembly cancelled all machine voting and brought back the..