Maßnahmen zur Erleichterung des Verkehrs am Grenzkontrollpunkt Kulata-Promachonas sollen bis zum 1. Juli bekannt gegeben werden. „Es ist geplant, die Zahl der griechischen Beamten an der verkehrsintensivsten Stelle der bulgarisch-griechischen..
Measures to ease the traffic through the Kulata-Promachonas border checkpoint will be announced by July 1st. It is planned to increase the number of inspectors from the Greek side at the busiest point across the Bulgarian-Greek border, the Bulgarian..
Tonight, citizens have gathered to protest on the road Gotse Delchev-Drama. The reason for their dissatisfaction is the closed border checkpoint at Ilinden-Exohi between Bulgaria and Greece. After attempts by regional authorities in the two border..
En el puesto fronterizo de Kulata es de varios kilómetros la cola de vehículos que esperan para entrar a Grecia. Los automóviles son obligados a parar antes del puesto fronterizo para evitar las acumulaciones. Se espera que la circulación sea..
The queue of people waiting to cross the Bulgarian-Greek border at the Kulata border checkpoint is kilometers long, as the cars are being stopped in front of the border checkpoint in order to avoid crowds, BTA reported. The traffic is expected to be..
Small freight companies are suffering serious losses due to the coronavirus testing of truck drivers introduced by the Greek authorities at the Kulata-Promachonas border crossing between Bulgaria and Greece. Dissatisfaction escalates and may grow into..
Wegen des momentan schlechten Winterwetters wurden 3 Grenzübergänge des Landes vorübergehend für den Verkehr geschlossen , informierte im Bulgarischen Nationalen Fernsehen Dipl.-Ing. Daniel Iwanitschkow von der Straßenbehörde. Geschlossen seien..
Kulata- Promahon sınır kapısında Yunan tarafına tüm girenlere zorunlu test uygulamasından dolayı sınırda 200’den fazla TIR kamyonu kuyruğu oluştu. Bulgaristan Nakliyeciler Birliği Başkanı Yardımcısı Veselin Dangov, trafiğin tamamen duracağı..
Yunanistan’ın Kulata- Promahon sınır kapısında bu geceden itibaren sadece Yunan ve AB ülkeleri vatandaşlarının girişine izin verilecek. Negatif PCR Covid testi ve adres kodu şartı da devam ediyor. Yunanistan’a giren herkese hızlı koronavirüs testi..
The government in Athens has announced new anti-epidemic measures for northern Greece. From 06:00 hours on November 20, in addition to the mandatory PCR test, made 72 hours before entering the country and a QR code, a rapid test will also be made of the..