Love is the title of the new song by Maria Ilieva. It is the first song created entirely by the popular pop singer, producer, actress and, last but not least, mother of two. Maria says a declaration of love can be to one’s loved ones, to..
A famous singer with a huge circle of fans as well as a music producer, in recent years Maria Ilieva has been a permanent member of the jury in various television formats. She spends a significant part of her time with heryoung son Alexander,..
Këngëtarja e njohur dhe producente muzikore gjatë viteve të fundit Maria Ilieva është anëtare e përhershme e jurisë në formatet e ndryshme televizive. Një pjesë serioze nga koha e vet ajo ia kushton djalit të vet të vogël Aleksandër, si dhe njerëzve të..