Avrupa Halk Partisi’nden Bulgar milletvekili Andrey Kovaçev , “Bılgarska Pamet” (Bulgar belleği) Vakfı Başkanı Milen Vrabevski ve daha üç kişinin Kuzey Makedonya sınırlarına girişlerine izin verilmedi. 6 Mayıs’ta kaydedilen Gergyovden..
The MEP from EPP Andrey Kovatchev and President of the Bulgarian Memory Foundation Milen Vrabevski and three other people were denied entry to North Macedonia. They were supposed to participate in a memorial service commemorating the Bulgarian soldiers..
“Ordudan takviye 200 kişi beklerken, sadece 25 kişi geldi” Kirkovo Belediye Başkanı Şinasi Süleyman BNR Türkçe Yayınlar Bölümü’nün “Haftaya başlarken” programında canlı yayına Çakalarovo köyünden katıldı ve yangının seyriyle ilgili çok önemli..
El 6 de mayo, día de la fiesta patronal de las FF.AA. de Bulgaria, se han efectuado vuelos de exhibición en la base aérea de Graf Ignatievo. Se ha hecho un simulacro de combate aéreo y de apoyo de fuerzas de Tierra, con aviones MiG-29 y..
Del 5 al 7 de abril, equipos militares y convoyes militares ferroviarios de la OTAN transitarán por el territorio de Bulgaria de Grecia a Rumania. Los días 7 y 8 de abril se realizarán vuelos de helicópteros del Ejército de Tierra de EE.UU. en..
From April 5 to 7, military equipment will move through the territory of Bulgaria . Convoys will transit from Greece to Romania. Railway military convoys will follow the same route. Helicopter flights from the US Army in Europe from Romania to the Novo..
US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has landed at the Bezmer Air Force Base. At the invitation of Bulgarian Minister of Defense Dragomir Zakov, Austin is on a two-day working visit to Bulgaria to discuss the prospects for the..
En el polígono de entrenamiento de Novo Selo ha comenzado un entrenamiento conjunto búlgaro−estadounidense, que se extenderá hasta el 30 de junio, según ha anunciado el Ministerio de Defensa de Bulgaria. En el ejercicio tomarán parte las..
A joint Bulgarian-American military training has started at the Novo Selo training ground, which will last until June 30, 2022, the Ministry of Defense has reported. Forces and equipment of the Ministry of Defense, the structures..
Sur le Polygone d’entraînement « Novo Selo » ont débuté des exercices militaires bulgaro-américains qui se poursuivront jusqu’au 30 juin 2022, annonce le ministère de la Défense. Y prendront part des forces et des équipements du ministère de la Défense,..