Eмисия новини
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Makisim Dellçev

Aktualisht në Bullgari nuk ka refugjatë nga Izraeli

Pas sulmeve befasuese terroriste të organizatës “Hamas” ndaj shtetit të Izraelit, autoritetet bullgare e vlerësuan të ulët nivelin e kërcënimit terrorist ndaj vendit tonë. Përjashtim janë aeroportet, stacionet e trenit, sinagogat, turistët nga shteti..

09.10.23 16:14 |
Maxim Delchev, representative of the Organization of Jews in Bulgaria

There are currently no refugees from Israel in Bulgaria

After the surprising terrorist attacks of the Hamas organization on the State of Israel, the Bulgarian authorities assessed the level of terrorist threat to Bulgaria as low, with the exception of places such as airports, train stations, synagogues,..

09.10.23 15:01 |

A new education and culture centre will acquaint the public with the Jewish community and traditions

“In a place where there is no humanity: be human” goes a saying connected with the Jewish community and culture. There are no accurate data as to the number of Jews in Bulgaria, but according to the organization of Jews in Bulgaria Shalom, the Jewish..

06.10.23 13:13 |

Președintele Radev condamnă discursul instigator la ură, xenofobia și antisemitismul

"Este inacceptabil ca diferențele politice să conducă la discursuri de ură, insulte etnice, xenofobie sau antisemitism", a declarat președintele Rumen Radev într-o declarație pentru presă. Ieri, Organizația Evreilor din Bulgaria "Shalom" și-a exprimat și..

21.07.23 11:30 |
Lukow-Marsch 2022

Außenministerium spricht sich gegen Durchführung des Lukow-Marsches aus

Das Auswärtige Amt Bulgariens ist kategorisch gegen die in Sofia geplante Durchführung des sogenannten Lukow-Marsches . Solche Veranstaltungen seien mit den Werten und Traditionen der bulgarischen Gesellschaft unvereinbar; sie schüren eine Spaltung..

15.02.23 13:48 |

Prof. Alexander Oscar: İlk defa büyük devletin dışişleri bakanı Yahudi karşıtı söylem kullanıyor

Rusya Dışişleri Bakanlığı, İsrail yönetimini “Kiev’teki nazi rejimini” desteklemekle suçladı. BNR Moskova muhabiri Angel Grigorov’un aktardığı gibi Dışişleri Bakanı Sergey Lavrov’un televizyonda konuşurken “En büyük Yahudi karşıtlarının Yahudi..

03.05.22 20:00 |
prof. Alexander Oscar

Prof. Alexander Oscar: For the first time, a foreign minister of a large country uses anti-Semitic rhetoric

Russia's foreign ministry has accused Israeli authorities of supporting the "Nazi regime in Kyiv." The diplomatic scandal between Russia and Israel erupted after Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in a television interview that "the biggest..

03.05.22 18:58 |

Prof. Alexander Oscar: Erstmals äußert sich ein Außenminister eines großen Landes antisemitisch

Das russische Außenministerium warf den israelischen Behörden vor, das „Nazi-Regime in Kiew“ zu unterstützen. Der diplomatische Skandal zwischen Russland und Israel brach aus, nachdem Außenminister Sergej Lawrow in einem Fernsehinterview gesagt hatte,..

03.05.22 18:52 |

Alexandre Oscar: "C'est la première fois que le ministre desocialiste Affaires étrangères d'un grand pays tient des propos antisémites."

Le ministère russe des Affaires étrangères a accusé les autorités israéliennes de soutenir "le régime nazi de Kiev". Le scandale diplomatique entre la Russie et Israel a éclaté après les propos du ministre russe Sergeï Lavrov qui a déclaré lors d'une..

03.05.22 18:50 |

L’Institut culturel du MAE marque la Journée internationale des victimes de l’Holocauste

 "Plus jamais !" - C’est la phrase par laquelle au cours des dernières décennies des politiques, des institutions et des citoyens expriment leur devoir de souvenir, leur promesse et leur espoir de ne plus jamais voir se reproduire les monstrueux..

27.01.22 09:55 |
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