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Low debt, Euro aspiration and EU membership are the positive factors in Moody's assessment of Bulgaria

Moody's expects Bulgaria to join the Eurozone no later than the beginning of 2026. According to the rating agency, the growth of the Bulgarian economy in 2024 will be 2.9%. The ongoing domestic political crisis and the likelihood of new early elections..

30.07.24 12:30 |

La baja deuda, la ambición de adoptar el euro y la pertenencia a la UE son los factores positivos en la evaluación de Moody's sobre Bulgaria

Moody's espera que Bulgaria entre en la zona del euro a más tardar a principios de 2026. Según la agencia de calificación, el crecimiento de la economía búlgara en 2024 será del 2,9%. Se destaca que la actual crisis política interna y la probabilidad..

30.07.24 11:03 |

Bulgaria intentará entrar en la zona euro el 1 de julio de 2025.

114 diputados del GERB-SDS, "Continuamos el cambio - Bulgaria democrática", el Movimiento por Derechos y Libertades (DPS) y 10 grupos independientes apoyaron en primera lectura el proyecto de ley del gobierno para la introducción del euro en Bulgaria. La..

26.07.24 18:37 |

MPs vote in favour of Bulgaria joining the euro zone on 1 July 2025.

114 MPs from GERB-CDF, We Continue the Change - Democratic Bulgaria, DPS and 10 independents supported the government's bill on the introduction of the euro in Bulgaria in the first reading .  The bill stipulates that both currencies - the lev and the..

26.07.24 18:20 |

La Bulgarie tentera d’intégrer la zone euro le 1er juillet 2025

114 députés de GERB-UFD, "Poursuivons le changement – Bulgarie démocratique", le MDL et 10 parlementaires sans étiquette ont approuvé en première lecture le projet de loi du gouvernement sur l’adoption de l’euro en Bulgarie. Il prévoit que les deux..

26.07.24 18:15 |
Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Lyudmila Petkova (C) with Bulgarian delegation at ECOFIN in Brusselsл

Bulgaria's euro preparations on track, Finance Minister tells ECOFIN Council

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Lyudmila Petkova assured that the technical preparations for the introduction of the euro in Bulgaria are progressing well . She was attending the meeting of EU Finance and Economic Ministers - ECOFIN - in..

16.07.24 16:18 |

Eurogrupi inkurajon Bullgarinë të vazhdojë në rrugën drejt adoptimit të euros

Ministrat e financave të eurozonës diskutuan zbatimin e kërkesave për vënien në qarkullim të monedhës së përbashkët në Bullgari, njoftoi kryetari i Eurogrupit Paskall Donahju pas një takimi në Bruksel, transmeton BTA. Ai theksoi se, sipas BE-së,..

16.07.24 11:24 |

Eurogroup encourages Bulgaria to continue on its Euro adoption path

Eurozone finance ministers discussed the implementation of the requirements for the introduction of the European single currency in Bulgaria , Eurogroup President Paschal Donohoe said after a meeting in Brussels, BTA reports. He pointed out that..

16.07.24 11:00 |

El Eurogrupo anima a Bulgaria a seguir por el camino de la adopción del euro

Los ministros de Finanzas de la eurozona debatieron la aplicación de los requisitos para la introducción de la moneda común en Bulgaria, así lo anunció el presidente del Eurogrupo, Paschal Donohoe, tras una reunión en Bruselas, informa BTA. Donohoe..

16.07.24 10:30 |
Deljan Peevski

Kryetari i DPS-së Peevski kundërshtoi referendumin për euron

Lëvizja për të Drejta dhe Liri (DPS) është kategorikisht kundër përpjekjeve të partive antievropiane dhe proruse për të luajtur me temën “referendumi për euron”. Në një qëndrim të publikuar nga qendra e shtypit e DPS-së, kryetari i DPS-së, Deljan..

10.07.24 16:33 |
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