Eмисия новини
от 09.00 часа

Loïc Grard: Europe is not the problem, it is the solution

We should be optimistic about the unity of Europe, says Loïc Grard, Professor of public law at the University of Bordeaux in an interview with Radio Bulgaria. Prof. Grard was in Bulgaria to attend the conference on “European construction:..

13.03.23 13:06 |
Minister Demerdzhiev, left, at the Justice and Home Affairs Council, 9-10 March 2023.

EU Coordination centre for fighting human trafficking to be established in Bulgaria

A Coordination Centre for the fight against trafficking in human beings will be established in Bulgaria with the participation of representatives of all EU member states and under the leadership of Europol. This was announced by Interior..

09.03.23 20:03 |
Agriculture Minister Yavor Gechev

Bulgaria urges EU to level subsidies in agriculture

Bulgaria will urge the EU to make the subsidies Bulgarian producers receive equal to the subsidies in the countries of Western Europe, Agriculture Minister in the caretaker government Yavor Gechev said in an interview with public service TV BNT...

08.03.23 12:13 |

Bulgaria has the highest mortality rate in the EU: Eurostat

With 1 , 787 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, Bulgaria has the highest mortality rate in the EU in 2020, followed by Romania with 1,622 and Hungary with 1,513, according to Eurostat data. The lowest mortality rate is in France – 863..

07.03.23 14:02 |

Blickpunkt Balkan

Bahnhofsvorsteher von Larissa wegen schwerem Zugunglück zur Verantwortung gezogen Der Leiter des Bahnhofs in Larissa hat zugegeben, dass menschliches Versagen zum tragischen Zugunglück in Nordgriechenland geführt hat. Grund sei das seit..

02.03.23 15:05 |

77,000 Bulgarians support European Citizens’ Initiative “Fur Free Europe”

More than 77,000 Bulgarians have put their signatures down to the European Citizens’ Initiative entitled “Fur Free Europe”, the NGO Campaigns in Activism for Animals in Industry (CAAI) has announced. The organisers of the initiative call on..

02.03.23 13:14 |

Wärmekraftwerke im Visier wegen gefälschten Angaben

Die Spezialoperation unter Beteiligung von mehr als 150 Polizisten, die in mehreren Gebieten Bulgariens läuft, steht im Zusammenhang mit gefälschten Berichten eines Privatunternehmens über Treibhausemmissionen von bulgarischen Wärmekraftwerkent,..

27.02.23 19:45 |

Proteste in Bulgarien anlässlich ein Jahr nach dem Einmarsch Russlands in die Ukraine

Anlässlich des Jahrestages des Kriegsbeginns in der Ukraine werden heute Abend in verschiedenen Städten Bulgariens Proteste organisiert. In Sofia beginnt der Umzug vor dem Präsidentengebäude; die Teilnehmer kritisieren die Zurückhaltung von..

24.02.23 16:20 |

Caretaker government has brought inflation under control, President Radev tells Valdis Dombrovskis

"We are fully aware of the obstacles on the way to Eurozone membership, which include inflation and pending adoption of laws." This is what President Rumen Radev said during the meeting with Executive Vice President of the European Commission for..

23.02.23 18:34 |

Median age in Bulgaria is the 7th highest in EU

Bulgaria has the seventh oldest population in the European Union . In 2022, the average age in Bulgaria was 45.1 years , compared to the EU average of 44.4 years, according to the latest Eurostat data. Median age is highest in Italy (48 years) and..

23.02.23 14:36 |
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