"Neither the politicians, nor Borissov, nor the government, nor Geshev will hear us. This is clear, we do not hold such illusions. What we have to do is take them down by force, which is what we are trying to do." This is what lawyer Nikolay..
The 21 st day of anti-government protests in Sofia started with the blocking of a key intersection in the capital city. At noon, protesters blocked off tram and car traffic. Even though they were carrying placards saying that the country was..
Protesters gathered in the centre Sofia last night for the 20 th time in an anti-government protest chanting “Resign!” and throwing green paintballs at the building of the Council of Ministers. They then started on their traditional..
Kryeprokurori Ivan Geshev tha se sivjet prioritetet e tij janë eliminimi i krimeve kundër njerëzve të zakonshëm dhe luftimi i korrupsionit në shtresat e larta të pushtetit. Këtë ai e deklaroi para gazetarëve në regjionin e qytetit Shumen ku zhvillohet..
Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev stated that his priorities for this year are to eliminate conventional crime and the fight against high-level corruption. Talking to reporters in the region of Shoumen where a specialized police operation is..
For the 19th day running, last night protesters gathered in the centre of Sofia demanding the resignation of the government, of Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev, and of the director general of public service TV BNT Emil Koshlukov...
Kryeprokurori Ivan Geshev e ka dekoruar Ministrin e Punëve të Brendshme Mlladen Marinov në dorëheqje, bëri të ditur sajti i Prokurorisë. Geshev ka nënvizuar meritat e Marinovit në bashkëpunimin mes organeve të MPB-së dhe Prokurorisë në..
Bulgaria’s Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev has awarded this country’s former Minister of Interior Mladen Marinov, the website of the Prosecutor’s Office announced. Ivan Geshev emphasized Mladen Marinov’s merits in the cooperation between the structures..
Në një protestë në qendër të Sofjes avokatë nga disa qytete kërkuan dorëheqjen e Këshillit të Lartë Gjyqësor. Sipas tyre organi drejtues i avokaturës nuk mbron interesat e tyre profesionale, nuk reagon, ose reagon me vonesë gjatë shqyrtimit të..
For the 15 th day running protesters are gathering in the centre of Sofia next to the buildings of the Presidency and the Council of Ministers. Talking to the BNR they stated their disappointment that their demonstrations have only led to a..