Grigor Dimitrow und Novak Djokovic werden die Tennisfans in Sofia mit einer großen Tennisshow begeistern. Der Olympiasieger kommt auf Einladung des derzeit besten bulgarischen Tennisspielers in die bulgarische Hauptstadt. Die beiden..
Sofia is the best city in Europe to retire to, according to a survey by the business solutions company Moneypenny, Forbes writes. The survey takes into account factors such as average cost of living, retirement savings needed, and a variety of..
Das Museum „Erde und Mensch“ in Sofia begeht heute den Tag der Barmherzigkeit, der zum Gedenken an die Opfer von Atombomben, Terrorismus und Krieg eingeführt wurde. Traditionell wird an diesem Tag in der Halle der Riesenkristalle der Stein aus..
In the past few weeks, the new government in North Macedonia, led by Hristijan Mickoski, surprisingly demanded that the construction of the railway line to Bulgaria be stopped. The arguments are that the project for building the..
A 7% rise in the number of tourists coming to Sofia has been registered during the first quarter of 2024. On a yearly basis, there is an increase of 15% for 2023, which exceeds even pre-pandemic levels. These optimistic data motivated the city’s..
Auf der 46. Sitzung der UNESCO in Delhi wurde der Vorschlag angenommen, dass Bulgarien im Jahr 2025 Gastgeber der 47. Sitzung des UNESCO-Welterbekomitees ist. Bulgarien hat sich für den Vorsitz und die Ausrichtung beworben, nachdem..
Bulgaria va găzdui cea de-a 47-a sesiune a Comitetului Patrimoniului Mondial UNESCO în 2025. Propunerea a fost votată la cea de-a 46-a sesiune a UNESCO de la Delhi, India. Partea bulgară și-a înaintat candidatura pentru președinție și găzduire după ce..
Bulgaria will host the 47th session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee in 2025. The proposal was voted on during the 46th session of of the WHC in New Delhi, India. Bulgaria raised its candidacy for being a host after the..
O masă lungă de 60 de metri a adus împreună vecini și cetățeni în Sofia „Adu mâncare. Cunoaște-ți vecinul”, e mott-ul sub care primăria sectorului Oborishte din Sofia a organizat sâmbătă evenimentul numit ”Marea Masă”, care a închis pentru mașini o..
The "Ivan Vazov" National Theatre will delight 120 fans of theatre art with a free ticket to one of the productions of its new season in the autumn. The occasion is the 120th anniversary of its foundation in 1904. The lucky ones..