“Las entregas de gas natural de Azerbaiyán con un volumen total de 1000 millones de metros cúbicos por año comenzarána partir del 1 de julio”, ha anunciado este jueves el ministro búlgaro de Energía, Alexándar Nikolov, durante la sesión de la..
Unpredictability in the sphere of energy has a detrimental effect on the Bulgarian economy. "At the moment nobody knows what the price of natural gas is," Dobri Mitrev, chair of the Bulgarian Industrial Association has told BNR, adding..
Following the Bulgarian government's refusal to pay for Russian natural gas in rubles, Moscow's decision to suspend supplies was expected. Yet, this has put cabinet of Prime Minister Kiril Petkov in an extremely difficult position with an unclear..
Le leader du parti GERB, Boyko Borissov a accusé le gouvernement de pratiques corruptives qui déboucheront sur une hausse considérable du prix du gaz. Selon Borissov, une entreprise du nom de "MET Energy", dans laquelle officiait l'ex-directeur exécutif..
The leader of GERB party Boyko Borissov has accused the government of participating in corruption schemes in the gas sector. In his words, this will lead to a significant increase in the price of gas. According to Borissov, a company called MET..
"El precio del gas para el mes de mayo en Bulgaria se igualará a los precios en las bolsas europeas y el encarecimiento será del 35 %", ha augurado Stanislav Tódorov, presidente de la Comisión Reguladora de Energía y Agua de Bulgaria. En la..
Griechenland und Deutschland sind bereit, die Gaslieferungen nach Bulgarien und Polen nach der Aussetzung der russischen Importe zu erhöhen, berichtete die Financial Times unter Berufung auf Angaben deutscher und griechischer Gasbetreiber. „Es..
Bulgaria’s energy company Bulgargaz has received a notification that as of April 27, natural gas deliveries from Russia’s Gazprom Export will be suspended. Bulgargaz announced that Bulgaria had fully fulfilled its obligations and had made all..
Monopolisti rus Gazprom Eksport njoftoi se pezullon furnizimin me gaz natyror për në Bullgari nga 27 prilli. Pala bullgare ka përmbushur plotësisht detyrimet e saj dhe ka bërë të gjitha pagesat e kërkuara në kuadrin e marrëveshjes, bëri të ditur..
La empresa estatal monopolista rusa Gazprom Export ha anunciado que suspende desde hoy, 27 de abril, el suministro de gas natural a Bulgaria. Según ha declarado la empresa búlgara Bulgargaz, la parte búlgara ha cumplido íntegramente sus compromisos y ha..