Against the backdrop of the July heat, the heated arguments about the 2023 budget continue. By July 25, when the National Assembly must finally vote on the state's financial framework, a decision must be reached on the increase of income in the budget..
Oxford Üniversitesi’ne bağlı “Reuters” Gazetecilik Araştırma Enstitüsü’nün 2023 yılı için “Digital News Report” raporuna göre, Bulgaristan Ulusal Radyosu (BNR) bu yıl da halk arasında en çok güven alan ulusal medya. Halkın yüzde 59’ı..
Radioja Kombëtare Bullgare (BNR) është edhe këtë vit media kombëtare në të cilën bullgarët kanë më shumë besim, sipas Digital News Report për vitin 2023 të Institutit Reuters për Kërkimet e Gazetarisë në Universitetin e Oksfordit. Pjesa më e..
Başsavcılıktan gelen açıklamaya göre, Bulgaristan Başsavcısı İvan Geşev, 49. Halk Meclisi Başkanı Rosen Jelyazkov’a mektup göndererek, en yüksek seviyelerinde yolsuzluk ve nüfuz ticareti ile ilgili belirli ön soruşturma işlemleri ile..
Bulgaria’s Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev has sent a letter to the President of the 49th National Assembly Rosen Zhelyazkov with a request to be heard by the MPs in connection with specific pre-trial proceedings related to high-level corruption and..
Generalstaatsanwalt Iwan Geschew wird heute eine Erklärung im Bulgarischen Nationalen Fernsehen BNT abgeben. So nimmt er Gebrauch von dem Recht, das ihm durch einen Artikel des Gesetzes über Rundfunk und Fernsehen eingeräumt wird. Der Text..
Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev will make a statement on Bulgarian national television today, Bulgarian media report. The Prosecutor General will exercise the right given to him by an article of the Law on Radio and Television. The provision states that..
Ein Drittel der Bulgaren geht davon aus, dass die neue Regierung höchstens ein halbes Jahr bis zu den Kommunalwahlen durchhält. Das belegt eine vom Bulgarischen Nationalen Fernsehen BNT in Auftrag gegebene Expressumfrage der..
"If liberty means anything at all, it is the right to be able to tell people what they don't want to hear." This quote is inscribed next to the statue of George Orwell outside the BBC building in London. As if to remind all members fourth..
Le documentaire scientifique produit par la Télévision nationale bulgare – « le Roi et le soleil. Voyage à travers l’histoire de l’ancienne Egypte », a été récompensé dans la catégorie « Programmes de télévision » lors du Festival international des films..