The Coordination Council for Bulgaria's preparation for Eurozone membership has adopted the design of the Bulgarian national side of the euro coins approved by the Bulgarian National Bank. Euro coins have a common side and a national side. The..
On 1 November, the Bulgarian National Bank is raising the base rate for the national currency – Lev – to 3.79 %. The base rate in October was 3.64%, and in September 3.53%. Interest rates have been going up since the end of September 2022 when..
In less than five minutes and without any debate, the National Assembly endorsed the nominations of Andrey Gurov, MP from We Continue the Change, and Petar Chobanov, MP from the Movement for Rights and Freedoms for deputy governors of the Bulgarian..
The Bulgarian National Bank (BNB) has not declared as its goal the creation of a "Bulgarian investment gold coin", the treasury said. BNB announced that in 2024 it will release gold coins without pre-specified mintage. In some parameters, these coins..
The Bulgarian National Bank (BNB) has raised from May 1 the main interest rate to 2.77 percent from 2.47% in April. More than once, the Bulgarian National Bank has warned that the credit expansion in the country may worsen the portfolio in the banking..
On March 20, 2023, the Bulgarian National Bank is putting into circulation a silver commemorative coin dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Bulgarian Olympic Committee. The coin has a nominal value of BGN 10 and is sold for BGN 132. It is..
There is no reason to change the existing BGN/EUR exchange rate, the Bulgarian National Bank (BNB) stated. There have been no talks between representatives of the BNB and the Ministry of Finance on a possible change of the exchange rate, the Bulgarian..
The political crisis is at the root of the delay in Bulgaria's accession to the Eurozone . This was stated by the governor of the Bulgarian National Bank, Dimitar Radev, in his first public appearance, after it became clear that the target date -..
Bulgaria surprisingly came out with an issue of ten-year euro bonds on the international markets as on January 17 , in one day, the Bulgarian National Bank announced and sold the entire circulated debt. The financier Nikolay Vanov commented for the..
"The Bulgarian banking sector is stable. The country's accession to the eurozone is a macroeconomic and political catalyst that should not be missed, said National Bank Governor Dimitar Radev before the conference "Banks and Business in Bulgaria..